On Monday I attended a funeral. It was a sad and unexpected occasion. Part of the service concentrated on how such untimely deaths (and death generally) can focus the mind. The priest spoke about how death reminds us we aren't infinite beings and to not waste time on the mundane. Even if, for some, that reminder is fleeting. "One day you will wake up and ...
Make Decluttering A Daily Habit
Frequently experts advise the way to achieve your goals is to work toward them daily. I'm someone who rebelled against routine for many years, believing myself to be a free spirit, ready to go wherever the wind blows. Rather than a creature of habit - a creative creature of dreams and wishful thinking. All of my spare time during my early 20's was spent ...
Is It Useful? Is It Beautiful?
What might our homes look (and function) like if the criteria upon whether precious space is allocated, to stuff, is always based on 2 simple questions? Is it useful? Is it beautiful? Mine would look, and function, much better. It would be a major improvement. But are these simple questions? I'd suggest not. What is beauty? What is usefulness? These ...
The Cost of Storage
There was a really interesting show on BBC 2 last week. Business Boomers - Real Storage Wars "The second documentary in the Business Boomers series discovers why Britain came to have the biggest self-storage industry in Europe, when just three decades ago the industry didn't even exist in this country." (source: www.bbc.co.uk) (digressing slightly, the ...
Spring Cleaning / Let The Big Declutter Commence
There are many possible origins to the term 'Spring Cleaning'. A quick search on Google will uncover most of them. But my very favourite, and the one I always use as my point of reference dates back to prehistoric times. "Spring cleaning origins probably most date back to prehistory, and represent the time when it was easiest to conduct a good cleaning of ...
Declutter 20 Things In 20 Minutes
I've suffered from procrastination for most of my almost 40 years. I know, categorically, that I procrastinate for two reasons: 1. I don't know where to start 2. I feel overwhelmed by what I need to do The two reasons are intrinsically linked. I say I've suffered for 'most' of my 'almost 40 years' because I recently discovered how to overcome ...
Declutterers Indecision / Missed Opportunities
See this stack of magazines: ...
Decluttering / The Feel Good Factor
There's a natural high that accompanies decluttering. However, it may be the thought of embarking on a major cull is daunting and overwhelming. Some might procrastinate, as I do, at getting started. But as with most things worth doing, and doing well, the resulting sense of achievement, upon completion, makes the process so worthwhile. There are books, ...
Memories Amidst The Clutter
"Sometimes you've got to let everything go...purge yourself. If you are unhappy with anything...whatever is bringing you down, get rid of it. Because you'll find that when you're free, your true creativity, your true self comes out." Tina Turner The state of our garage was beginning to get the Hubby down. It's being used as a holding bay. As redundant ...
My Creative (& Slightly Cluttered) Kitchen
School's out due to industrial action in the UK, so we've been having our very own home-economics class . It was super easy home-made kids pizza for lunch... Followed by 'decorate a cupcake' dessert... (not all for us, half went home with friends...) I'm sure you can guess, the kitchen is in a bit of a mess. ...