It's Friday Guys - My turn once more to host Food Waste Friday! Each week since March 2008, in order to motivate her to waste less food, Kristen The Frugal Girl, has posted a picture of any food that has gone bad over the last seven days. She found this embarrassing practice so helpful, to her, that she invited other bloggers to post their own photos, and ...
Celebrating The Little Things In Life
After several months of waiting, hoping and wishing, my 7-year-old daughter received her pen licence at school last Friday. This will put pay to endless questioning each Friday morning of; 'Do you think it will be me today Mom?' (Pen licences only get issued on a Friday, of course! :-)). Upon hearing the much awaited, and fantastic, news the Hubby ...
No Waste Tastes Great / What A Waste!
It's Friday Guys - Time for No Waste Tastes Great Click here to find out more about my Friday routine There's no photo of Simply Being Mum's Friday Fridge this week! (But if new to site and wondering what on earth I'm talking about then click here) The lack of a fridge photo is due to 2 factors; 1. I've run out of upload space on my blog and need to ...
Letting Go Of Clutter To Become Who You Now Are
I've recently discovered Downton Abbey. Yes, I know, I'm a little late to the party ;-) Regardless, I've just finished series one and wanted to share something Carson says to Mrs Hughes when she discloses she'd refused a marriage proposal in episode 4; "What would be the point of living if we didn't let life change us?" I'm not the person I was 2 years ...
Food Waste Friday / There’s Always A Plan!
It's Friday Guys - My turn once more to host Food Waste Friday! Each week since March 2008, in order to motivate her to waste less food, Kristen The Frugal Girl, has posted a picture of any food that has gone bad over the last seven days. She found this embarrassing practice so helpful, to her, that she invited other bloggers to post their own photos, and ...
There’s Another Way To Show You Care
I may have mentioned I'm drowning in stuff. Therefore I do not need more stuff. So I'm wondering, do others need more stuff? Particularly stuff they haven't requested? When did buying something 'to keep' become a good way to show you care? I haven't always had this mindset, I've done this, purchased things for others 'to keep'. This is how I was raised. ...
Drowning In Stuff
It's been almost 4 years since I started decluttering. I'm a little confused. We're still drowning in stuff. When the journey to a simpler family life began, I was full of optimism. Surely a few ruthless months of purging would reduce our stuff considerably and alleviate the stress caused by material items. I was reading blogs a plenty that had ...
Food Waste Friday / Here’s To A Low Waste 2013!
It's Friday Guys - My turn once more to host Food Waste Friday! Each week since March 2008, in order to motivate her to waste less food, Kristen The Frugal Girl, has posted a picture of any food that has gone bad over the last seven days. She found this embarrassing practice so helpful, to her, that she invited other bloggers to post their own photos, and ...
Here We Are Again…
One reason I don't make New Year's resolutions (anymore) is that they are too easily broken. And once broken it is rather convenient to wait for another landmark date to get on track again. I sincerely believe it's what you do everyday that counts. Having said that, there is one area of my life which I have let slide of late. Typically the Christmas period ...
Moving On Into 2013
It's always a little strange typing the first post after a break. The keyboard feels alien, and I'm sitting wondering what to type. I can barely remember what I last posted, it's been such a while ago. Before we left for Lapland I scheduled 2 posts, so the last time I actually wrote something was about the 14th December. Over 2 weeks ago. My longest time ...