I have never been, and never will be, a cushion plumper. Actually that's not true, I do plump the cushions for practical reasons - so they are more comfy. But for a long time I have used this expression to explain that I do not spend an inordinate amount of time on household chores. So, here's the conflict. ...
Blessing In Disguise
We've all heard it before. Adversity brings opportunity. Every cloud has a silver lining. It all turns out for the best in the end. But what if that were actually true? I believe time after time it is. ...
Jim Carrey & I This Food Waste Friday
I'm not hosting this week. Kristen is over at The Frugal Girl. However it's another video this Food Waste Friday. Simply Being Mum's Friday Fridge 22 May 2015 It get cuts off at the end. I really need to free up some space on my iPhone. To finish what I was saying - usually the emergency pasta is kept in the store cupboard. Typically I buy the type ...
Best Laid Plans & All That
One thing I have learned in life is to 'roll with it'. We all make plans, and to varying degrees they come to fruition. Or they don't. ...
Food Waste Friday / Sounding A Little Peaky
It's Friday. It's Food Waste Friday. Or even #FoodWasteFriday I'd hoped this week I'd be hosting over at my new blog. I even thought about throwing a little blogwarming party. Alas no. It's still not ready to move into. Hence I have gone a little quiet. The more content I keep putting here, the more I have to then move again. It's a little like packing ...
Checking In
I thought I ought to check in. No I haven't gone into hiding. I'm in the process of moving to another host, and it's taking a little time to move everything. After all there's almost 5 years of my ramblings and snaps to pack up and unpack in the new home. It was time to make the move. With my increasing technical skills (well kind of) and my plans to do ...
Is Your Food Waste Reducing?
A slightly different angle this Friday. Rather than confessing my food waste as I do usually I'm opening up the blog for you to talk about whether you feel #FoodWasteFriday is helping you to make progress and reduce your food waste. It's all about progression and not perfection for me at the moment. I did lose 2 satsumas this week and a lemon, they ...
Progression Not Perfection
We've all heard the saying; Life is a journey, not a destination. If we're seeking perfection, we're going to be disappointed. It doesn't exist. I've said it before - there's no such thing as perfect. But I'm not giving in. To seek something that does not exist is demotivating in its futility. Why bother if we will never achieve what we set out to ...
Food Waste Friday / What Was I Saying?
I guess last weeks post where I claimed that eating Paleo was reducing my fruit and vegetable waste was only going to lead to one thing; ...
Food Waste Friday / Whizz Potential Waste
It's an early #foodwastefriday today. We have a busy weekend in Blackpool ahead, and it's time to get on the road. This was my Fridge yesterday. Since starting to eat more 'Paleo' there's been a definite increase in the amount of fruit and vegetables inside. Interestingly however not an increase in fruit and vegetable waste. ...