Did you know there are 21 Wednesdays until Christmas? And there are just 9 more school holidays until my youngest child turns 16. Each summer holiday we schedule the holidays to ensure we maximise the time we have. 9 more school holidays aren't that many. Are they? Click here to read how we scheduled last years summer holiday from school. But this ...
Inspiring Kids To Spend Mindfully
The £600 Challenge isn't about spending, it's about generating cash. It's about clearing your clutter. But an unexpected outcome of the challenge has been the opportunity to teach the Kids how to manage their money. A couple of weeks ago we decided to make the £600 Challenge a family affair. You can read all about it here. The Kids now have a monetary ...
Cheese, Onion & Potato Topless Pie Recipe
The plan was to post this recipe tomorrow. Then I remembered I am already a post behind, and had promised to update on the £600 Challenge this Sunday. So as there's no time like the present, let me present: Simply Being Mum's Cheese, Onion & Potato Topless Pie Recipe (completely made up off the cuff based on a handful of ingredients I picked up ...
Keeping The Kids Busy In The Kitchen
Hey Guys it's Food Waste Friday. #FoodWasteFriday It's not my week to host, it's Kristen's. Food Waste Friday is officially over at The Frugal Girl's today, but please do join in here also. As always on a Friday I follow my No Waste Tastes Great routine - whether hosting or not. Simply Being Mum's Friday Fridge Kind of a busy fridge this Friday. ...
Mid-Week Waste & Emptying The Freezer
It's Friday Guys - Food Waste Friday. Or even #FoodWasteFriday for those joining in on social media. Lots are! Yay! My week to host. This Food Waste Friday I am not home. Hopefully I am enjoying the sun on the English Riviera. Or maybe I'm sheltering from the British rain - who knows? Whatever the weather, it's still Food Waste Friday, and I am ...
£600 Challenge | It’s A Family Affair
I set myself (and you) a challenge a couple of weeks ago. To generate £600 (or $600, or any other currency) by selling unwanted, unloved and unneeded items from around the home. Aka = Clutter! I'm checking in this week with just £17.00 banked. But a little like Baldrick, I have a cunning plan. If you haven't met Baldrick before please let me introduce ...
The Camera Really Does Add 10lbs On Food Waste Friday
It's Friday Guys. Food Waste Friday. I'm not hosting this week, Kristen is (the original founder and true inspiration of #FoodWasteFriday) over at hers. See link at the bottom. Please do head on over and link up. Nevertheless, whether hosting or not, I'm participating. I follow my No Waste Tastes Great routine every Friday. And boy are you in for a ...
Just £596.76 To Go
I set myself (and you) a challenge two weeks ago. Click here to find out more about Simply Being Mum's £600 Summer Challenge. To make £600 selling unwanted items (otherwise known as clutter) from around the home. My deadline is the end of August - not too far in the future I've still £596.76 to go. I'm thinking a little more effort may be required on my ...
What Do A Kitchen Floor, PJ’s & Poldark Have In Common?
It's Friday Guys - Food Waste Friday. #FoodWasteFriday And it's my week to host! Yay! Let's get on with the show... Simply Being Mum's Friday Fridge This Friday fridge photo has been taken before my No Waste Tastes Great routine. I'm on a go-slow today (actually I decided to do 'work' work before blogging today). Hence there I was at 9am sitting on ...
Trinkets Not Treasures
Have I mentioned before I'm not a fan of housework? There's a good reason they are called chores. To make the mundane tasks more bearable I've been listening to a lot of audio books through YouTube. Yesterday I was plugged into a Jim Rohn seminar. Although I wasn't just doing chores, I was in fact decluttering with vigour. After all I set myself (& ...