I talk an awful lot about what I don’t buy. But of course there are things that I do buy.
Last Tuesday I had a batch-errand day. When I do shop I try to do all the purchases in one outing. This keeps the mind focused on what I need rather than browsing and being tempted to buy things I want.
I don’t allow a huge amount of time for such shopping trips. Last Tuesday I had approximately 90 minutes. So list in hand off I set, and was very successful.
Rather varied? Shall I explain?
I’m a self-confessed superglue fan. As someone who likes to make do and mend superglue can solve a barrage of breakages. Currently we have a few things waiting to be super-glued.
Above is the Hubby’s mobile phone case/protector. Time to get sticking rather than replacing.
Liquid Glucose
I make Birthday cakes, and spent a large proportion of Friday and Saturday making my Nephew one for his 21st Birthday!
Sugarpaste/Fondant icing isn’t cheap. It easily drives up the cost of a cake, particularly when buying coloured ready to roll. The icing for the cake above cost over £5. I believe I could make my own using normal icing sugar (confectioners sugar) for approximately half the price. Always up for a challenge (particularly one that saves money) I’m trying it out. Hence the liquid glucose. Should I become proficient, I’ll post how to make sugarpaste here for those interested.
Lavender Oil
I don’t ‘buy’ expensive skin care. My opinion is that the cost is 95% marketing/PR/advertising. We do have shower gel etc… mainly own-brands. However I like to use lavender oil in the bath.
(add a drop of tea-tree oil as well for the benefits of a mild antiseptic)
At Chez Wright showers are for the morning and bath’s are for night-time. The aroma is very relaxing, and as our bathroom is linked to our bedroom the aroma lingers. A little bit of natural luxury.
White Vinegar
I lurve white vinegar! What an amazing liquid. There’s a future post on vinegar planned.
Let’s just say there are a million things you can use white vinegar for. Well at least 1001…
Leather Tack Cleaning Spray
No, I don’t own a horse.
Remember the boot saga? Well it’s ongoing. I’ve taken it on as a personal challenge to extend the life of my old faithfuls as long as I possibly can. After a recent trip to muddy/wet Wales and an adventure walk to the top of a waterfall I thought that it may be time to reluctantly part ways. Then a comment from Sabine came through my Facebook page and VOILA!
I absolutely love the idea of using a cleaner and moisturiser on leather items. It makes perfect sense to me. Leather is dry, so why not add as much moisture as possible? Sabine even suggested rubbing in Nivea. Since acquiring my tack spray, I’ve been enjoying cleaning all types of leather footwear, our shoes have never been so clean!
I’m intrigued, what do you buy and why? Please share…
Don’t forget I now post most days on Facebook, why not pop on over and join the conversation?
Hi what did you use after the tack spray? Did you go for the Nivea?
Hi Andrea, what I’ve found is the spray seems to be enough. It feels a little oily itself, and definitely has made the leather softer. The equestrian shop sold a leather moisturiser which I didn’t get at the time, but may do in the future. The spray has worked very well. I dry with a soft cloth then use a shoe brush to shine.
Hi what did you use after the tack spray? Did you go for the Nivea?
Hi Andrea, what I’ve found is the spray seems to be enough. It feels a little oily itself, and definitely has made the leather softer. The equestrian shop sold a leather moisturiser which I didn’t get at the time, but may do in the future. The spray has worked very well. I dry with a soft cloth then use a shoe brush to shine.
Ah, the good old white vinegar… apart from the smell, I love it. What do I buy and why?
-bicarbonate soda (use it for cleaning, cooking, mixed with xylit as toothpaste)
-lemon (apart from the obvious, to clean surfaces and to make my hands nice and white after peeling potatoes :))
-olive oil (apart from cooking I rub my solid wood worktop in the kitchen, and solid wood doors and table & chairs with it when they start to look ‘dry’)
-coconut fat (I bake with it, cook with this instead of sunflower oil, also us it as hand cream)
Hey Laura – great to have you back! Yeah the smell, the Hubby hates it. I don’t mind so much (I’m a vinegar fan, to get me to eat my roast dinners my Mom used to put mint sauce all over it which I still have to this day). The smell does wear off a little, but I have added some essential oil in the past to dilute it a little.
bicarb – fab stuff! lemon – ditto!
Never thought about olive oil for wood, makes sense, may well try!
Coconut fat isn’t something I’ve ever bought – must investigate.
Thanks for that 😉
Ah, the good old white vinegar… apart from the smell, I love it. What do I buy and why?
-bicarbonate soda (use it for cleaning, cooking, mixed with xylit as toothpaste)
-lemon (apart from the obvious, to clean surfaces and to make my hands nice and white after peeling potatoes :))
-olive oil (apart from cooking I rub my solid wood worktop in the kitchen, and solid wood doors and table & chairs with it when they start to look ‘dry’)
-coconut fat (I bake with it, cook with this instead of sunflower oil, also us it as hand cream)
Hey Laura – great to have you back! Yeah the smell, the Hubby hates it. I don’t mind so much (I’m a vinegar fan, to get me to eat my roast dinners my Mom used to put mint sauce all over it which I still have to this day). The smell does wear off a little, but I have added some essential oil in the past to dilute it a little.
bicarb – fab stuff! lemon – ditto!
Never thought about olive oil for wood, makes sense, may well try!
Coconut fat isn’t something I’ve ever bought – must investigate.
Thanks for that 😉