Okay I am over the shock of seeing myself over at The Guardian Live Better Campaign. Well, kind of. ...
About simplybeingmum
Lessons From Leo
27 February 2009 was a day that changed my life. As uneventful as the day seemed, at the time, it was the start of a journey toward a different type of family life. A simpler family life. I won't bore you with the detail as it's likely you've heard it all before, but if it not - click here. Who'd have thought a short stroll, and buggy-push, to the local ...
My 3rd Anniversary – Looking Back…Yet Moving Forward
27 February is my 3rd anniversary. Of what? Discovering minimalism? Life simplification? How exactly is it defined? I don't think it can be defined. (photo taken by Joanne Wright 23 February 2012) ...
A day in the life of simplybeingmum
This post is a little self-indulgent - I promise I won't make a habit of it! Actually this post was born through the need to have a 'batch errand' day. My thinking was that by posting about it, it would make my day more productive. (See below: My errand basket hanging precariously from a snowy tree branch) I was a Mum on a mission last night and feeling ...