This post is a little self-indulgent – I promise I won’t make a habit of it!
Actually this post was born through the need to have a ‘batch errand’ day. My thinking was that by posting about it, it would make my day more productive. (See below: My errand basket hanging precariously from a snowy tree branch)
I was a Mum on a mission last night and feeling rather olympic!
Thursday is my favourite day of the week – no idea why. It is also my planning night.
In my small notebook I wrote out everything I planned to do in order of doing it, and packed my bag and basket ready to go. My aim was to clear as much of my to-do list as possible in one day.
So how’d it go?
Friday 3rd December
6.30am – Got up with Kids, had shower, we all had breakfast, loaded washer (as part of my simplified laundry routine – to be posted) and got myself and the kids ready. Took delivery from postie of my Son’s snowboots – which don’t fit argh! Unloaded washer and hung it on airer then put dishwasher on.
8.30am – Started School and Nursery run. First born (Daughter) deposited safely by 9am and one quick change later she was a beautiful angel for the Christmas play dress rehearsal.
9.00am – Dropped order off at local butchers (for collection later), then dropped second born (Son) at nursery, then onto nearest post box where I posted a birthday card for 19 Dec (a little early I admit but I have put it’s a birthday card on the front to stop it being opened) and also my LoveFilm return.
10.00am – Parked at the out-of-town retail centre. I hate shopping with a passion but this was a mercy mission. The kids really need snowsuits and there is one store that usually has stock. Today this store didn’t have stock (argh again!). However did pick up two Christmas gifts for family. I am giving gifts this year but they have to be ‘useful, beautiful or seriously sentimental’.
10.30am – Parked outside another retail centre on ‘operation find material for curtains’ – mission failed. However I also needed to make a return at the store next door. My Daughter hates shopping – just like her Mother. So when I had to get her a dress for a wedding this month, I purchased two for her to choose from at home.
11.00am – Used my free coffee voucher to warm me up (-6 degrees today) but did buy a doughnut. Oh well!
11.30am – Dropped ‘no longer wanted and not fit to donate clothing’ bag off at recycling point outside local supermarket. Popped in to see whether they had any snowsuits – no joy there. Did pick up some cranberries, brandy butter and some more Bailey’s to try out my new invention ‘Christmas Bread and Butter Pudding’. Purchased a large bottle this time – this is my third bottle so far this Winter – oh dear not very frugal and awfully fattening!
11.45am – Started to feel anxious. Physically shopping does this to me. It’s not a nice feeling and I got the urge to head home.
12.00pm – Popped into local bakers to drop off a container they had lent me, and purchased my bread. The lovely assistant bagged up my two loaves in four bags to make it easier for me to freeze some.
12.30pm – Wrote blog post and had a bite to eat.
1.00pm – Purchased two tickets online to see Simple Minds play at Cannock Chase Forest next June (Christmas pressie for Hubby and I from my lovely Mom)
1.30pm – Commented on two of my fave blog’s Minimalist Mom and Suburban Minimalist
1.45pm – Started this post.
2.00pm – Caught up on some e-mails, cancelled two appointments, tried to make another appointment (answer-phone).
2.30pm – Left house with Sledge as has promised my Daughter I would pull her back from school on it.
2.45pm – Popped into local library on way to school to collect my reservation – Twilight – yes the teenage audience targeted novel about vampires which I am told on good authority is fantastic. Not sure myself but I’ll give it a go – don’t knock it till you’ve tried it is my motto.
2.50pm – Received call from nursery to say my Son was running a temperature and could I collect him. So turned sledge round (without Daughter) and headed back home, phoning my very kind friend and fellow school mum to see whether she could collect Daughter – she could – what a star.
3.00pm – Jumped in car and headed toward nursery. Passed local florist so I picked up some flowers as a thank you for my friend and continued on. Passed car overturned in ditch down a lane – reminding me to take it slow!
3.20pm – Picked Son up, poor little fella, and headed home passing local butchers and calling in for my order.
3.40pm – Daughter home! Gave my lovely friend her flowers.
4.00pm – Started dinner and updated this post – sat down with kids whilst they watched a bit of Shrek and took a look at my to-do list and progress so far.
5.00pm – Dinner for the Kids and I. Then called my Mom.
6.00pm – Prepared the No Waste Tastes Great Gratin from left over veggies in advance of Meat-Free Monday whilst kids role played being cats and wore unused nappies on their heads.
7.00pm – Bubble time – off to the bathroom the kids go for a bit of splish splashing about.
7.30pm – Kids bedtime – Son fell asleep with nappy still on head (which I carefully removed).
8.00pm – Low down with Hubby (whilst he ate) on the day’s events (basically what the kids had been up to).
9.00pm – Sat down (glass of Bailey’s in hand) finished this post and had a look around the blogsphere. I found Miss Minimalist via Life Beyond Stuff. How could I have not checked out Miss Minimalist’s blog before? Inspirational stuff!
So what have I learnt today? Well nothing that I didn’t know before…
- To plan and be organised in advance is highly productive for many errands but shopping will very often be completely unproductive
- Shopping is time-consuming, disappointing, stressful and creates further actions such as returning goods, visiting multiple outlets in search of items, making difficult decisions, spending money and finding a home in your home for the items… and that I only do it when I absolutely have to and there’s good reason for that
- That currently with my children at different locations (3 miles apart) twice a week that I cannot go car-free (but hats off to those that can!)
- That the time to buy snowsuits and boots is in the summer sale when there are actually some about
- That I drink more Bailey’s when it snows
- Ultimately that I have two wonderful children – nappies on their heads or no nappies
How’s your day been? Have you had a productive day and does anyone know where I can get sensibly priced snowsuits from in the UK without having to wait 2 weeks?
You are my hero!
You are my hero!
You are my hero!
Hi Jo! I looked and looked and I can’t find your e-mail! I’m calling a premature end to my holiday contest, and I’ve decided to split the $50 between you and Rachel so that I’ll make a $25 donation in each of your names to whichever charity. Also, I’ll be very happy to ship you the chocolates (I think I can have them shipped directly from the Manhattan store to you in England!). If that sounds yummy to you, just e-mail me your mailing address.
Okay, that’s all! Have a great weekend!
Hi Jo! I looked and looked and I can’t find your e-mail! I’m calling a premature end to my holiday contest, and I’ve decided to split the $50 between you and Rachel so that I’ll make a $25 donation in each of your names to whichever charity. Also, I’ll be very happy to ship you the chocolates (I think I can have them shipped directly from the Manhattan store to you in England!). If that sounds yummy to you, just e-mail me your mailing address.
Okay, that’s all! Have a great weekend!
Hi Jo! I looked and looked and I can’t find your e-mail! I’m calling a premature end to my holiday contest, and I’ve decided to split the $50 between you and Rachel so that I’ll make a $25 donation in each of your names to whichever charity. Also, I’ll be very happy to ship you the chocolates (I think I can have them shipped directly from the Manhattan store to you in England!). If that sounds yummy to you, just e-mail me your mailing address.
Okay, that’s all! Have a great weekend!
Hi R – my e-mail address duh! I haven’t yet done my contact page on this blog – thanks for the prompt! I’ll get onto it… in the meantime I will e-mail via your blog. The donation is fab thank you so much I know just who to put forward. As for the lovely chocolates please do not send them over to the UK, the time and money involved is too much – seriously! Rather treat yourself and Mr R.S to a nice bottle of your favourite tipple and take some time out (I’d get just as much enjoyment from that, and my waistline will thank me for it!) – Jo
Hi R – my e-mail address duh! I haven’t yet done my contact page on this blog – thanks for the prompt! I’ll get onto it… in the meantime I will e-mail via your blog. The donation is fab thank you so much I know just who to put forward. As for the lovely chocolates please do not send them over to the UK, the time and money involved is too much – seriously! Rather treat yourself and Mr R.S to a nice bottle of your favourite tipple and take some time out (I’d get just as much enjoyment from that, and my waistline will thank me for it!) – Jo
Hi R – my e-mail address duh! I haven’t yet done my contact page on this blog – thanks for the prompt! I’ll get onto it… in the meantime I will e-mail via your blog. The donation is fab thank you so much I know just who to put forward. As for the lovely chocolates please do not send them over to the UK, the time and money involved is too much – seriously! Rather treat yourself and Mr R.S to a nice bottle of your favourite tipple and take some time out (I’d get just as much enjoyment from that, and my waistline will thank me for it!) – Jo