Have I ever mentioned I'm a trained marketer by profession? One of the main marketing-principles, that became ingrained, was to continuously monitor the competition. Now competition can be a strong word. Maybe monitoring the other players in the market is more appropriate? The idea for this post came to me on a journey back from Warwick Castle. We'd ...
No Waste Tastes Great / Can’t Get It Out Of My Head
It's Friday Guys - time for No Waste Tastes Great Click here to learn more about my Friday routine Simply Being Mum's Friday Fridge Slightly more than anticipated, as yesterday whilst out grabbing some extra milk, I impulse purchased some Tzatziki and pitta bread And can you see the Greek yoghurt sitting on the middle shelf? It's one world week at school. ...
Simple Smoked Haddock Pasta Bake Recipe
I'm feeling motivated, can you tell? So motivated that I am back on my 6&6 regime. Okay so maybe not so much of a regime, but a little bit of discipline does us all good from time to time. Just 4 days in, I'm feeling the benefits of ditching the extra sugar and the nutritionally deficient snacks and foodstuffs. It hasn't gone unnoticed. My ...
Not Perfect But Not Giving In
Let me set the scene. At this very moment I am... In the kitchen. Talking to myself. Out loud. "What you do everyday matters more than what you do once in a while" Gretchen Rubin Last week I made a pact with myself. To focus on specific things, daily. Certain things that are important to me, improvements that I want to make and skills I wish to ...
Food Waste Friday / Fail To Plan, Plan To Fail
It's Friday Guys - My turn once more to host Food Waste Friday! Each week since March 2008, in order to motivate her to waste less food, Kristen The Frugal Girl, has posted a picture of any food that has gone bad over the last seven days. She found this embarrassing practice so helpful, to her, that she invited other bloggers to post their own photos, and ...
“Good Enough” Chocolate Fudge Cake Recipe
They say perfect is the enemy of good. My chocolate fudge cake recipe is good enough, it's not perfect. It isn't the Nigella recipe that I have followed countless times over the years. (Can you see the chocolate smudges? That's the sign of a good cookbook - actual food remnants on the page.) These days, as my confidence in the kitchen and culinary ...
Getting Caught Up In The Mechanics
I've an admission. Remember the Spring Sale 2012? It started 8th May. Just over 12 months ago. My aim - to generate £600 through the sale of unwanted, unloved, unneeded things. I failed. A recent tally, to date, shows the actual amount generated was just over £500. Why did I fail? The theory behind the experiment was sound, in my opinion. I'd read ...
No Waste Tastes Great / Damage Limitation
It's Friday Guys - time for No Waste Tastes Great. I haven't been with the program of late. This post outlines my desire to return back to earth, and simple living. Meal-planning hasn't been top priority. Lack of meal planning can lead to this... Above is yesterday's Fridge. Aka - A wake up call! A little damage limitation was required in order to ...
Back To Simple Reality
I've been away with the fairies of late. (Cake decorations from my daughter's 1st birthday cake, over 7 years ago. I'm such a sentimental hoarder!) I mean - literally away with the fairies, or should that be vampires? 4 seasons of True Blood have been devoured over the last few weeks. We're talking just shy of 40 hours - yep you read that right! Hardly any ...
Food Waste Friday / Sometimes You Need A Reminder
It's Friday Guys - My turn once more to host Food Waste Friday! Each week since March 2008, in order to motivate her to waste less food, Kristen The Frugal Girl, has posted a picture of any food that has gone bad over the last seven days. She found this embarrassing practice so helpful, to her, that she invited other bloggers to post their own photos, and ...