I’ve an admission.
Remember the Spring Sale 2012?
It started 8th May. Just over 12 months ago.
My aim – to generate £600 through the sale of unwanted, unloved, unneeded things.
I failed. A recent tally, to date, shows the actual amount generated was just over £500.
Why did I fail? The theory behind the experiment was sound, in my opinion. I’d read that the average household contained £600 of saleable items.
I’d agree with that figure as I know this household most certainly did, and even now most certainly does…
The failure I believe is due to getting caught up in the mechanics of it all.
Too much thought being given to when, where and how to sell the item. Even, I’d suggest, a covert method of hoarding?
I have hoarding tendencies without a doubt. The sale allowed me opportunity to procrastinate over the elimination of an item by moving it to a holding (aka hoarding) area to then deliberate over the correct method in which to generate income from the item.
Getting caught up in the mechanics.
In addition to failing to meet my goal, I now also have a hoard. In which I am unsure exactly what there is within it, and the garage has seen a stuff invasion, a hostile occupation of things.
The problem I now have is that the mound looks impressive. It looks valuable as if treasures are buried inside. The thought of squeezing the maximum amount of monetary return from the mountain is immensely appealing.
Had it not been allowed to grow its imagined potential would be less.
We learn by our mistakes. It’s good to have a goal, but wrong to lose focus. Elimination of redundant items was the primary goal – the generation of income, a benefit of reaching that goal – I got confused.
Here I am again with the Spring Sale 2013. Yes, I will be holding one as I have in 2012 and 2011. But my main objective – to reduce stuff- will be first and foremost in my line of sight.
It’ll be interesting to see whether my total £ reached is higher than this years, when I concentrate on the job at hand rather than getting distracted? We’ll see.
Meet me here again 31st July? No year-long sale, this time. Short and sharp. Time to get the job done.
How’s it going selling your end?
I give away my excess stuff to charity yard sales. They get the proceeds and I get space in my house! Sometimes if the organization thinks a particular item is “good,” they use it as a prize for an auction or contest. I know I would get caught up in the details of holding my own sales, and might be discouraged by the amount raised, so I’d rather not know!
Donating is a great way to reduce your stuff…I’ll be doing more of it this year I anticipate!
I give away my excess stuff to charity yard sales. They get the proceeds and I get space in my house! Sometimes if the organization thinks a particular item is “good,” they use it as a prize for an auction or contest. I know I would get caught up in the details of holding my own sales, and might be discouraged by the amount raised, so I’d rather not know!
Donating is a great way to reduce your stuff…I’ll be doing more of it this year I anticipate!
Although I don’t have sales anymore (just give away), I do get caught up in the perfectionism of trying to do something just right, and it immobilizes me. However, now that I recognize that tendency, I am doing much better.
I too suffer with trying to do it ‘right’. It creates inertia…like you I’ve recognised this in myself, but sometimes it creeps back in!
Although I don’t have sales anymore (just give away), I do get caught up in the perfectionism of trying to do something just right, and it immobilizes me. However, now that I recognize that tendency, I am doing much better.
I too suffer with trying to do it ‘right’. It creates inertia…like you I’ve recognised this in myself, but sometimes it creeps back in!
I would need to learn from you.
One I/we decide that we do not need an item from the house, I am so eager to let it go that I end up giving away things that could potentially bring in money. I need to re-tune myself, that just because something is not worth anything to me, in monetary terms it can be still worth something.
I would need to learn from you.
One I/we decide that we do not need an item from the house, I am so eager to let it go that I end up giving away things that could potentially bring in money. I need to re-tune myself, that just because something is not worth anything to me, in monetary terms it can be still worth something.
Laura, as with much in life, balance is key. I’m selling too much – or at least holding onto stuff to sell. My way of dealing with this will be to identify key items to sell at 2 car-boot sales. To maximise return on each sale, rather than going for it scattergun!
Laura, as with much in life, balance is key. I’m selling too much – or at least holding onto stuff to sell. My way of dealing with this will be to identify key items to sell at 2 car-boot sales. To maximise return on each sale, rather than going for it scattergun!
First, 500 pounds is still an impressive amount! You’re definitely getting rid of stuff!
Second, I hear you – I was paralyzed for years because I couldn’t figure out what to do with my stuff. I had a garage sale every year in an attempt to recoup some money. After the fourth time I brought in the SAME items for storage until next time, I realized nobody wanted my stuff, not at the prices I had on it anyway. So I started giving away the best things and throwing away what really had no value (and there was some of that, too). We have a charity that comes about every six weeks, right to the door, and whisks it all away. You can opt in or out for any particular pickup. I keep boxes by the door to put things in as I decide on them. I’m not perfect at getting stuff out the door, by any means, but there has been amazing progress since I started this method.
Having said that, there are some large things like furniture I’m facing now. We are going to put them on the local free internet listings. But I’m not holding out for a large amount of money. The space in my house is worth more to me now.
Good luck with your clearing out! I’ll be interested to hear how you did!
Thanks Jo. I’ve decided to do just 2 car-boot sales (similar to your garage sales) – whatever doesn’t sell will be donated if saleable, and whatever else will have to be recycled at the local tip! Lack of space costs…to energy levels and a multitude of other things. It just needs to be kept in mind, as you are doing. Sounds like you have a great system going on…
First, 500 pounds is still an impressive amount! You’re definitely getting rid of stuff!
Second, I hear you – I was paralyzed for years because I couldn’t figure out what to do with my stuff. I had a garage sale every year in an attempt to recoup some money. After the fourth time I brought in the SAME items for storage until next time, I realized nobody wanted my stuff, not at the prices I had on it anyway. So I started giving away the best things and throwing away what really had no value (and there was some of that, too). We have a charity that comes about every six weeks, right to the door, and whisks it all away. You can opt in or out for any particular pickup. I keep boxes by the door to put things in as I decide on them. I’m not perfect at getting stuff out the door, by any means, but there has been amazing progress since I started this method.
Having said that, there are some large things like furniture I’m facing now. We are going to put them on the local free internet listings. But I’m not holding out for a large amount of money. The space in my house is worth more to me now.
Good luck with your clearing out! I’ll be interested to hear how you did!
Thanks Jo. I’ve decided to do just 2 car-boot sales (similar to your garage sales) – whatever doesn’t sell will be donated if saleable, and whatever else will have to be recycled at the local tip! Lack of space costs…to energy levels and a multitude of other things. It just needs to be kept in mind, as you are doing. Sounds like you have a great system going on…
Happy to have found your blog through The Frugal Girl, as we’re like-minded bloggers (I have whole categories called “Minimalism and Non-Consumerism” and “Unplug and Simplify”–they’ve become my favorite posts to write!). I recently had my own yard sale and posted about it here: http://www.joyfullygreen.com/2013/05/lessons-from-a-yard-sale.html. I agree with your realization that it is definitely NOT about the money, but about getting rid of the stuff! Looking forward to reading more from you.
Hi Joy – we most certainly do have a lot in common.
The crib/cot I can so relate to – see this post…
How coincidental?
I wish we had yard sales in the UK. One of the major draw backs of car-boot sales (IMO) is having to haul all your stuff over to a field, queue for ages and then face the weather and no toilets! It probably wouldn’t work here? Hmmm food for thought? is there some other way of hosting – not sure.
I’ll be checking out more of your blog, and pleased you found me! Jo
Happy to have found your blog through The Frugal Girl, as we’re like-minded bloggers (I have whole categories called “Minimalism and Non-Consumerism” and “Unplug and Simplify”–they’ve become my favorite posts to write!). I recently had my own yard sale and posted about it here: http://www.joyfullygreen.com/2013/05/lessons-from-a-yard-sale.html. I agree with your realization that it is definitely NOT about the money, but about getting rid of the stuff! Looking forward to reading more from you.
Hi Joy – we most certainly do have a lot in common.
The crib/cot I can so relate to – see this post…
How coincidental?
I wish we had yard sales in the UK. One of the major draw backs of car-boot sales (IMO) is having to haul all your stuff over to a field, queue for ages and then face the weather and no toilets! It probably wouldn’t work here? Hmmm food for thought? is there some other way of hosting – not sure.
I’ll be checking out more of your blog, and pleased you found me! Jo