It’s Friday Guys – Food Waste Friday.
Today we are going bananas (yes even I cringed at that!).
Yesterday my ham-handed hubby managed to accidentally split the skins on two over-ripe bananas while separating the third from the bunch.
Now, I’m no stranger to making a banana save:
There’s Banana and Ginger Loaf with no added fat or sugar –
Or even chocolate topped bananas –
But I’m looking for some inspiration.
How do you save a banana?
I peel and freeze mine, then make banana bread when I feel like it. But I do need more overripe banana recipes, as I have a few too many ziploc bags of frozen bananas waiting for me to use them.
I mush them, then freeze them, continuing to stir/mush as they freeze for a scrummy frozen banana ice-cream-esque dessert which goes very nicely with some grated chocolate flakes on top.