It’s Friday Guys – time for No Waste Tastes Great…
Click here to learn more about my Friday routine
Ready to do a double take?
Simply Being Mum’s Friday Fridge
The inventory? Here goes…
Cheeses, Actimel probiotic drink, Yogurt, Olive oil spread, Grapes, Strawbs, Toms, Houmous, Peppers, Cuke, OJ, Pizza (shop bought!), Ham, Natural yogurt, Milk, Pesto, Olives, Buttercream, Limes and White wine.
Not my fridge’s normal Friday look.
This is due to 3 things;
a) I’m ill. Okay, so not quite as under the weather as I was. But still not firing on all four cylinders.
b) Being ill has played havoc with my routine. I shopped Tuesday not last Friday as I would normally, hence much more food around at the end of the working week.
c) I purchased items I wouldn’t typically. Can you see the ready-made pizza? The houmous? Actimel? The list goes on…
As I wrote Monday’s post, I decided to start cutting myself some slack.
Buy pizza? No not me… not usually, but I’m going to forgive myself 🙂
Those who follow the blog, regularly, know I’m not a fan of convenience food. In fact I did a costing experiment in 2011 on ready-made versus home-cooked. However, I have decided to allow a ready-meal night, say every fortnight or even once a week so I get a night off. And I’m going to do it guilt-free!
A teeny-tiny bit of guilt remains, but hey, we all experience that emotion from time to time, don’t we? Whether justified or not?
I’m sure the purchase of the convenience pizza is a glitch. Particularly after seeing what can be cooked up in the kitchen. Here’s hoping I can replicate The Frugal Girl’s fabulous recipe and do it justice. But as I have decided to go a little easier on myself, I’ll be satisfied with good enough!
The good news is that there is no waste within the fridge. It may be stacked but it all has a purpose and place. Next week’s meal plan will incorporate all the items. In fact the olives, peppers and pesto will rustle up another one of these. I may be ill, but I haven’t totally lost my way 😉
I do have waste though – boo.
Totally forgot I had carrots in the cupboard. Duh!
If you are missing the sight of an (almost) empty fridge this Friday, then why not pop over to The Minimalist Mom? If you leave a comment Rachel has generously offered to make a donation to Feeding America.
How’s your Fridge looking this Friday? Anything to declare? Or is it nice and bare? Please share…and don’t forget to drop a link in the comments if you’ve blogged about it!
No Waste Tastes Great is bought to you (as always) with thanks to The Frugal Girl for the original inspiration.
Ah carrots…they’ve been a problem for me too in the past…
I’m glad you have the wisdom to make things easier for yourself while you’re not feeling 100%, and I really hope you’re back to full strength soon. Take care, Sarah x
Thanks Sarah!
Ah carrots…they’ve been a problem for me too in the past…
I’m glad you have the wisdom to make things easier for yourself while you’re not feeling 100%, and I really hope you’re back to full strength soon. Take care, Sarah x
Thanks Sarah!
Hope you’re starting to feel better – we all go off the rails with eating when sick. My go to is ready made garlic bread!
Oh yes…garlic bread!
Hope you’re starting to feel better – we all go off the rails with eating when sick. My go to is ready made garlic bread!
Oh yes…garlic bread!
I had some satsumas go to waste this week. They were fine when we left home, but by the time we go to our destination 4 hours later, they were disgusting! But I was on holiday so never mind! The 4 very overripe kiwifruit in the fruit bowl don’t have such a good excuse – except that my son decided he didn’t like them anymore, and he’s the only one who can eat them in our house. So they also went out, but I gave up worrying too much about the kids whims long ago 🙂
Glad you are feeling a bit better and glad you are going easy on yourself 🙂
I had some satsumas go to waste this week. They were fine when we left home, but by the time we go to our destination 4 hours later, they were disgusting! But I was on holiday so never mind! The 4 very overripe kiwifruit in the fruit bowl don’t have such a good excuse – except that my son decided he didn’t like them anymore, and he’s the only one who can eat them in our house. So they also went out, but I gave up worrying too much about the kids whims long ago 🙂
Glad you are feeling a bit better and glad you are going easy on yourself 🙂
I hope you feel back to your old self again. I don’t quite know what to think when I see a full fridge on your Friday posts.
I hope you feel back to your old self again. I don’t quite know what to think when I see a full fridge on your Friday posts.