Since picking up a nasty bout of flu in Finland this Christmas, I haven’t been firing on all four cylinders.
In fact the last 6 weeks I’ve been completely under the weather. No running, reduced blogging, little decluttering and zero motivation to do pretty-much-anything. The doctor’s verdict is pleurisy.
I think I may have another ailment also. Is there such a thing as frugality burn-out?
Being frugal suddenly feels like a chore. It’s not fun. It’s always been fun.
On my way to Aldi this morning (which nearly didn’t happen as I lay on the sofa after the school-run) I popped into my previous, more expensive supermarket. It’s St Georges day in the UK tomorrow, and the Kids are dressing up in red, white and blue. This supermarket has a range of good quality but sensibly priced kids clothing.
I didn’t make it to Aldi. I admitted defeat and made a few emergency purchases to get us through the next couple of days at Chez Wright.
Now, I’m not a ready meal fan – as this post explains. But can you see today’s lunch?
And what about the 15 olives I just paid £1.87 for? (reduced of course – I’m not that ill!).
There’s a granola topped yogurt for after lunch. Lot’s of added cost built-in there for convenience. And the probiotic drink, that’s to try to limit the damage of the second lot of antibiotics I’ve been prescribed. After much deliberation I decided to take the medication. On my gut be it!
This flu has left me with more than just a painful cough. It’s draining my wallet?
Okay, so my sense of humour is finally returning. As is my desire to blog. I’m thinking things are on the up?
I’m painting a bleak picture of my spending, aren’t I? Things aren’t that bad. A tiny blow-out today. Oh and a manicure and pedicure tomorrow – I need some TLC.
Back on track I’m sure in the next few days.
After all, who can be focused 100% of the time? I’m a moderate gal. If I can consciously spend 80% of the time then I’m heading in the right direction
How about you? Do you ever get the urge to splurge?
To end on a happy note, here’s what the cake structure and black iced circles turned into, for those who read Friday’s post…
Have a great day y’all
I periodically get burned out and have to pull back a bit and do some things that are convenient and not necessarily frugal. I’ve learned that this feeling will not last and so I don’t beat myself up and just roll with it. Hope you feel better soon! 🙂
Jenn – good advice. Pretty sure it will pass! Thanks 🙂
I periodically get burned out and have to pull back a bit and do some things that are convenient and not necessarily frugal. I’ve learned that this feeling will not last and so I don’t beat myself up and just roll with it. Hope you feel better soon! 🙂
Jenn – good advice. Pretty sure it will pass! Thanks 🙂
You definitely have to take care of yourself first and sometimes that means going for convenience instead frugal. I think we get so caught up in ideals sometimes that we forget that we live in the real world. Anyway, I hope that you continue to feel better each day.
Thanks – yes you can get to caught up in it. Somethings gotta give – now and then.
You definitely have to take care of yourself first and sometimes that means going for convenience instead frugal. I think we get so caught up in ideals sometimes that we forget that we live in the real world. Anyway, I hope that you continue to feel better each day.
Thanks – yes you can get to caught up in it. Somethings gotta give – now and then.
Hope you feel better soon Jo! I think we all get tired of being frugal. I have started shopping at Trader Joes (owned by Aldi) and I love it but sometimes I get tired of meal planning and want convenience foods too. Right now the most important thing is to take care of yourself.
It seems from the replies so far I’m not alone . That’s great to know!
Hope you feel better soon Jo! I think we all get tired of being frugal. I have started shopping at Trader Joes (owned by Aldi) and I love it but sometimes I get tired of meal planning and want convenience foods too. Right now the most important thing is to take care of yourself.
It seems from the replies so far I’m not alone . That’s great to know!
Jo, you need to take care of yourself and if that includes a few ready meals here or there – so be it! Has your doctor checked for anemia? You are no doubt run down from your illness and the looooong winter – I think we’re all ready for some sunny spring weather. And yes, I do sometimes get heartily sick of being frugal! Am getting a manicure myself this week …. we need a few treats!
Yes yes yes bring on the sun! I haven’t had any blood taken, but my Big Sis has got me on some multi-vitamins, so should my iron be low they’ll sort it. Enjoy your manicure!
Jo, you need to take care of yourself and if that includes a few ready meals here or there – so be it! Has your doctor checked for anemia? You are no doubt run down from your illness and the looooong winter – I think we’re all ready for some sunny spring weather. And yes, I do sometimes get heartily sick of being frugal! Am getting a manicure myself this week …. we need a few treats!
Yes yes yes bring on the sun! I haven’t had any blood taken, but my Big Sis has got me on some multi-vitamins, so should my iron be low they’ll sort it. Enjoy your manicure!
I did the same thing a few nights ago. I’ve been working too many hours and I was too tired to cook. I think we frugal types find it only too easy to feel guilty if we spend on ANYTHING. But we shouldn’t 🙂 I do hope you get your system built up now. We don’t realize how lucky we are to be healthy until we’re not.
That’s such a darling cake!
Hi Jo – What’s happening is exactly as you describe. Any convenience foods I feel guilty about buying. I purchased a shop birthday card as I hadn’t any suitable for a boy that I had made, and hadn’t the enthusiasm to make one! It can become a little obsessive! Lesson learnt on my part…sometimes we all need to take a shortcut.
I did the same thing a few nights ago. I’ve been working too many hours and I was too tired to cook. I think we frugal types find it only too easy to feel guilty if we spend on ANYTHING. But we shouldn’t 🙂 I do hope you get your system built up now. We don’t realize how lucky we are to be healthy until we’re not.
That’s such a darling cake!
Hi Jo – What’s happening is exactly as you describe. Any convenience foods I feel guilty about buying. I purchased a shop birthday card as I hadn’t any suitable for a boy that I had made, and hadn’t the enthusiasm to make one! It can become a little obsessive! Lesson learnt on my part…sometimes we all need to take a shortcut.
Glad to hear you’re starting to feel more like yourself. Hope the antibiotics help! I have definitely had frugality-burnout, usually when I’m really tired or sick and I just can’t be bothered anymore. It always passes and I come back at frugality with a vengeance 🙂 Hope you enjoy your holiday tomorrow 🙂
A change is as good as a rest. So when you aren’t living as you feel you should, you do get tired and get back on track. It’s like Christmas and holidays. I have a blow-out and then am keen to kick the alcohol and rich foods!
Glad to hear you’re starting to feel more like yourself. Hope the antibiotics help! I have definitely had frugality-burnout, usually when I’m really tired or sick and I just can’t be bothered anymore. It always passes and I come back at frugality with a vengeance 🙂 Hope you enjoy your holiday tomorrow 🙂
A change is as good as a rest. So when you aren’t living as you feel you should, you do get tired and get back on track. It’s like Christmas and holidays. I have a blow-out and then am keen to kick the alcohol and rich foods!
Sorry to hear you have been under the weather Jo. I have too, i spent the first 3 days of Holiday really ill with herpangina, in short cold sore blisters on the back of my throat gums and tonsils. I think i’ve had this periodically for years but it”s never been this bad and it always comes when i’m run down and not taking care of myself- lesson learnt. Pluerisy is very painful too, i’ve seen patients with it and it’s not nice. Glad your feeling better, and don’t beat yourself up, be kind to yourself and accept when you need a little help, even if that’s in the form of a ready meal!!!!
Sharron xxx
Just wanted to add that if you google it it says it’s contracted through feaces, god knows how i got it, but my hand hygiene is bordering on OCD, but i suspect i got it from one of my patients 🙁
Sharron x
Gosh Sharron, hope you feel better soon. It doesn’t sound pleasant at all. I’m starting to feel better, I can tell as I am back blogging!
As for ready-meals. I’m thinking of having a ready-meal night every couple of weeks if not weekly. There’s been a lot of soul-searching of late, and I’ve realised I can’t do everything 100% of the time, even cooking – which I love love love!
Talking about cooking, your reply popped up whilst I was posting today’s recipe. I thought of you as I wrote it, I know you are looking for some quickie meal ideas!
Hope the training is going well?
Training going very well, i love what i’m doing, but , like you have done a lot of soul searching. Things have suffered, but it has made me realise that i don’t need to do everything. Hubby has the cooking sorted. Eldest 2 sons readily help out around the house and with the younger 2. My eldest has just passed his driving test so he said he would help out with after school clubs once he has a car. And does it really matter if the ironing pile is huge and the linen closet is messy?!! Hubby has that recipe from today written out and pinned on side of fridge for next weeks food 🙂 Thanks jo!!
Sharron xx
Sorry to hear you have been under the weather Jo. I have too, i spent the first 3 days of Holiday really ill with herpangina, in short cold sore blisters on the back of my throat gums and tonsils. I think i’ve had this periodically for years but it”s never been this bad and it always comes when i’m run down and not taking care of myself- lesson learnt. Pluerisy is very painful too, i’ve seen patients with it and it’s not nice. Glad your feeling better, and don’t beat yourself up, be kind to yourself and accept when you need a little help, even if that’s in the form of a ready meal!!!!
Sharron xxx
Just wanted to add that if you google it it says it’s contracted through feaces, god knows how i got it, but my hand hygiene is bordering on OCD, but i suspect i got it from one of my patients 🙁
Sharron x
Gosh Sharron, hope you feel better soon. It doesn’t sound pleasant at all. I’m starting to feel better, I can tell as I am back blogging!
As for ready-meals. I’m thinking of having a ready-meal night every couple of weeks if not weekly. There’s been a lot of soul-searching of late, and I’ve realised I can’t do everything 100% of the time, even cooking – which I love love love!
Talking about cooking, your reply popped up whilst I was posting today’s recipe. I thought of you as I wrote it, I know you are looking for some quickie meal ideas!
Hope the training is going well?
Training going very well, i love what i’m doing, but , like you have done a lot of soul searching. Things have suffered, but it has made me realise that i don’t need to do everything. Hubby has the cooking sorted. Eldest 2 sons readily help out around the house and with the younger 2. My eldest has just passed his driving test so he said he would help out with after school clubs once he has a car. And does it really matter if the ironing pile is huge and the linen closet is messy?!! Hubby has that recipe from today written out and pinned on side of fridge for next weeks food 🙂 Thanks jo!!
Sharron xx