It’s Friday Guys it’s time for No Waste Tastes Great ๐
Click here to find out more about my Friday routine
Simply Being Mum’s Friday Fridge
Top Shelf – selection of spreads and fats for baking, including some leftover buttercream (marked up to avoid the Hubby spreading it on his sandwiches. I made a Vodka themed 40th Birthday Cake this week and a photo of it’s on my Facebook page), Cheese, garlic and yogurt (in date).
Top Middle Shelf – 5 Tomatoes whose original fate was soup last Friday. However they have kept well and are now very nicely ripe, so I’ve decided ย to make chutney this weekend instead. There’s also some leftover Christmas Pud mixture, those who read my post Wednesday know the background to the puds.
Bottom Shelf – To the left, some spicy carrot soup, and to the right some broccoli and stilton soup.
Door – Milk and OJ (still going strong!)
The culprit is the spicy carrot soup. There was one portion remaining from a batch slow-cook I did last Saturday. I was supposed to eat it Tuesday, but an impromptu trip to the dentist meant I didn’t get chance. By day 6 of sitting in the fridge I’m not sure it’s edible, it may be as it’s a vegetable soup. Hmmm not sure? I’ll bank it as waste this week as I can’t guarantee it will be eaten today. The broccoli soup will get eaten lunchtime. (update 4pm – I ate it)
My other dilemma is the Christmas pud mixture. I slow-cooked (for the first year ever yay!) 4 puds on Tuesday, but still had a little mixture over so popped it in the fridge. I’m considering putting in ramekins to make mini-puds this weekend to try out the recipe as I have no idea what the puds will taste like, and this will be a great practice run for the big day. Although I’m rather proud with how they look – a little rugged and imperfect, a wonderful home-made trait!
The Hubby has a rare day off work today and it’s the Christmas Disco at school (I’m a helper!) this evening so the plan is to make home-made pizza for dinner early on and all eat together. So lovely when we get opportunity to do that in the week.
How’s your Friday Fridge looking today? As stuffed as a holiday turkey (Happy Belated Thanksgiving to all my US readers!), or as lean as a marathon runner? Please share!
No Waste Tastes Great is bought to you with much thanks to The Frugal Girl (as always) and Food Waste Friday
P.S. My aim is to update daily on Facebook little snippets that wouldn’t necessarily get posted here – if Facebook’s your thing why not check it out?
You did great!! ๐ I went grocery shopping today, so we’re overflowing again… I think with 6 of us I’ve given up trying to “pare down” on my food shopping, but I am going to start participating in food-waste Fridays, so I’m concious of what’s left in the fridge & needs used up at least!
Hey Carla it was Food Waste Friday that got my fridge to where it is today! It’s keeping your eye on what’s in there that’s key… and if in doubt make soup…
You did great!! ๐ I went grocery shopping today, so we’re overflowing again… I think with 6 of us I’ve given up trying to “pare down” on my food shopping, but I am going to start participating in food-waste Fridays, so I’m concious of what’s left in the fridge & needs used up at least!
Hey Carla it was Food Waste Friday that got my fridge to where it is today! It’s keeping your eye on what’s in there that’s key… and if in doubt make soup…
You did great!! ๐ I went grocery shopping today, so we’re overflowing again… I think with 6 of us I’ve given up trying to “pare down” on my food shopping, but I am going to start participating in food-waste Fridays, so I’m concious of what’s left in the fridge & needs used up at least!
Hey Carla it was Food Waste Friday that got my fridge to where it is today! It’s keeping your eye on what’s in there that’s key… and if in doubt make soup…
Hi Jo!
I have been following your blog for a while now (I found you through Rachel at The Minimalist Mom) and your No Waste Tastes Great has been inspiring me. I referenced you on my blog today and thought the least I could do was stop by, leave a comment and say “thanks” for taking a picture of your fridge every Friday ๐
Hey Diane, I always enjoy reading other peoples interpretation of how I do things. That way I know whether I’m communicating it in the right way! What a lovely post and I am really glad if I’ve helped even a tiny bit. That’s the point for me and you to reduce waste, and to have some fun things of ways to do it. Whoa a collapsing fridge….now that’s one of those defining moments isn’t it that makes you realise change is needed.
Love the info about fridge size! It is so true we do have tiny fridges… and that actually helps in eliminating waste. I don’t know how long it’s been since you lived in the UK but there’s been a move over here over the last few years to american style fridges. My fridge is now very ‘last season’. However since starting on the road to a family life simply done I no longer desire a large fridge – besides the whole kitchen would need revamping if I did! I’ll pop over to yours and say Hi properly tomorrow ๐
Hi Jo!
I have been following your blog for a while now (I found you through Rachel at The Minimalist Mom) and your No Waste Tastes Great has been inspiring me. I referenced you on my blog today and thought the least I could do was stop by, leave a comment and say “thanks” for taking a picture of your fridge every Friday ๐
Hey Diane, I always enjoy reading other peoples interpretation of how I do things. That way I know whether I’m communicating it in the right way! What a lovely post and I am really glad if I’ve helped even a tiny bit. That’s the point for me and you to reduce waste, and to have some fun things of ways to do it. Whoa a collapsing fridge….now that’s one of those defining moments isn’t it that makes you realise change is needed.
Love the info about fridge size! It is so true we do have tiny fridges… and that actually helps in eliminating waste. I don’t know how long it’s been since you lived in the UK but there’s been a move over here over the last few years to american style fridges. My fridge is now very ‘last season’. However since starting on the road to a family life simply done I no longer desire a large fridge – besides the whole kitchen would need revamping if I did! I’ll pop over to yours and say Hi properly tomorrow ๐
Hi Jo!
I have been following your blog for a while now (I found you through Rachel at The Minimalist Mom) and your No Waste Tastes Great has been inspiring me. I referenced you on my blog today and thought the least I could do was stop by, leave a comment and say “thanks” for taking a picture of your fridge every Friday ๐
Hey Diane, I always enjoy reading other peoples interpretation of how I do things. That way I know whether I’m communicating it in the right way! What a lovely post and I am really glad if I’ve helped even a tiny bit. That’s the point for me and you to reduce waste, and to have some fun things of ways to do it. Whoa a collapsing fridge….now that’s one of those defining moments isn’t it that makes you realise change is needed.
Love the info about fridge size! It is so true we do have tiny fridges… and that actually helps in eliminating waste. I don’t know how long it’s been since you lived in the UK but there’s been a move over here over the last few years to american style fridges. My fridge is now very ‘last season’. However since starting on the road to a family life simply done I no longer desire a large fridge – besides the whole kitchen would need revamping if I did! I’ll pop over to yours and say Hi properly tomorrow ๐
Just noticed the bottom part of your refrigerator this week. Do you lift up the lid to get into there? I’ve only seen sections that pull out. Maybe that’s a difference across the pond.
The bit at the bottom is a pain to be honest. It’s the salad drawer, and the design is rather awkward, the top slides out, which means I can’t really store things on the bottom shelf. That’s one reason I don’t use it for vegetables as I’d have to keep sliding it out and moving stuff off the top. I keep condiments in there like ketchup, BBQ sauce, and at the mo there’s a few onions that I have to make soup with!
Just noticed the bottom part of your refrigerator this week. Do you lift up the lid to get into there? I’ve only seen sections that pull out. Maybe that’s a difference across the pond.
The bit at the bottom is a pain to be honest. It’s the salad drawer, and the design is rather awkward, the top slides out, which means I can’t really store things on the bottom shelf. That’s one reason I don’t use it for vegetables as I’d have to keep sliding it out and moving stuff off the top. I keep condiments in there like ketchup, BBQ sauce, and at the mo there’s a few onions that I have to make soup with!
Just noticed the bottom part of your refrigerator this week. Do you lift up the lid to get into there? I’ve only seen sections that pull out. Maybe that’s a difference across the pond.
The bit at the bottom is a pain to be honest. It’s the salad drawer, and the design is rather awkward, the top slides out, which means I can’t really store things on the bottom shelf. That’s one reason I don’t use it for vegetables as I’d have to keep sliding it out and moving stuff off the top. I keep condiments in there like ketchup, BBQ sauce, and at the mo there’s a few onions that I have to make soup with!
Hey Jo,
Thanks for keeping me going – think this week has been one of my best!
Claire that’s one tidy fridge! Respect to you! Wow!
Love your shiny, empty fridge Claire! ๐
This week I had quite a few leftovers (bought in ready-made meals during the day as I have a poorly boy with a broken leg…SO this week, intending to buy only milk and bread and see if we can live on what’s left in the fridge and in the cupboards.
rather: during the week
Oh Laura – hope your boy is on the mend soon!
Hey Jo,
Thanks for keeping me going – think this week has been one of my best!
Claire that’s one tidy fridge! Respect to you! Wow!
Love your shiny, empty fridge Claire! ๐
This week I had quite a few leftovers (bought in ready-made meals during the day as I have a poorly boy with a broken leg…SO this week, intending to buy only milk and bread and see if we can live on what’s left in the fridge and in the cupboards.
rather: during the week
Oh Laura – hope your boy is on the mend soon!
Hey Jo,
Thanks for keeping me going – think this week has been one of my best!
Claire that’s one tidy fridge! Respect to you! Wow!
Love your shiny, empty fridge Claire! ๐
This week I had quite a few leftovers (bought in ready-made meals during the day as I have a poorly boy with a broken leg…SO this week, intending to buy only milk and bread and see if we can live on what’s left in the fridge and in the cupboards.
rather: during the week
Oh Laura – hope your boy is on the mend soon!
In keeping with the other nods of inspiration from fellow commenters I thought I’d add my 2 cents too! Your blog has definitely been an resource of information and thought-provoking ideas for me as well! I was sooo proud of my clean and tidy fridge last week when we went out of town for Thanksgiving. I planned my meals especially well and managed to use up every last bit! I wanted to take a pic! I love the ‘No Waste Tastes Great’ idea and usually mention it to people when the topic of grocery bill savings or food waste, etc. comes up. It’s like a fun quest! ๐
Kate – what a lovely comment to wake up to! Thank you! When you start blogging it’s a little like talking to yourself, then as comments start getting left you can see whether you have any info to share and any advice to impart. I love to hear about how others habits are improving… the ultimate aim is for us all to reduce waste!
ps – my kids are so used to bizarre photos of food and fridges being taken they don’t bat an eyelid when we look through recent photos with them on the camera/phone!
In keeping with the other nods of inspiration from fellow commenters I thought I’d add my 2 cents too! Your blog has definitely been an resource of information and thought-provoking ideas for me as well! I was sooo proud of my clean and tidy fridge last week when we went out of town for Thanksgiving. I planned my meals especially well and managed to use up every last bit! I wanted to take a pic! I love the ‘No Waste Tastes Great’ idea and usually mention it to people when the topic of grocery bill savings or food waste, etc. comes up. It’s like a fun quest! ๐
Kate – what a lovely comment to wake up to! Thank you! When you start blogging it’s a little like talking to yourself, then as comments start getting left you can see whether you have any info to share and any advice to impart. I love to hear about how others habits are improving… the ultimate aim is for us all to reduce waste!
ps – my kids are so used to bizarre photos of food and fridges being taken they don’t bat an eyelid when we look through recent photos with them on the camera/phone!
In keeping with the other nods of inspiration from fellow commenters I thought I’d add my 2 cents too! Your blog has definitely been an resource of information and thought-provoking ideas for me as well! I was sooo proud of my clean and tidy fridge last week when we went out of town for Thanksgiving. I planned my meals especially well and managed to use up every last bit! I wanted to take a pic! I love the ‘No Waste Tastes Great’ idea and usually mention it to people when the topic of grocery bill savings or food waste, etc. comes up. It’s like a fun quest! ๐
Kate – what a lovely comment to wake up to! Thank you! When you start blogging it’s a little like talking to yourself, then as comments start getting left you can see whether you have any info to share and any advice to impart. I love to hear about how others habits are improving… the ultimate aim is for us all to reduce waste!
ps – my kids are so used to bizarre photos of food and fridges being taken they don’t bat an eyelid when we look through recent photos with them on the camera/phone!