“He who fails to plan is planning to fail” – Winston Churchill
Today’s plan was to post about decluttering and getting organized.
The plan was to kick the post off with the Churchill quote above.
But then I started reading pages of Churchill quotes.
And decided to re-quote 10 of them instead.
I’m not sure why. It just felt right.
Here’s a further 9 to enjoy…
“We are the masters of our fate.”
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
“Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision.”
“If you are going through hell, keep going.”
“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”
“It is not enough that we do our best; sometimes we must do what is required.”
“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.”
“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”
And finally, the very British saying;
“Keep Calm and Carry On”
**Quotes taken from goodreads**
Do you have any favourite quotes? Either from Mr Churchill himself, or other inspirational leaders?
Hi Jo, reading and running as usual…
Here’s mine
‘ May god grant me the serenity to accept the things i can not change. The courage to change the things i can. And the wisdom to know the difference’
This i beleive is called the serenity prayer and is used in the 12 step programme for alcoholics, although it applies to much of my life. I spent a long time trying to change things and people in my life. Whenever i find myself getting frustrated with a situation i say it out loud. It allows me to channel my energy into more positive things. Hope your well?
Sharron x
We have a sampler with the serenity prayer framed & hanging in our bedroom. You’re right Sharron, it really does cover all situations.
Ir certainly does cover most things Sharron and Susan! Totally agree!
I’ve just finished ‘Breaking Bad on Netflix and they mention the 12 step program a lot.
We’re good Sharron – sure you are busy. It’s lovely to get a comment from you x
Susan – it’s always good to have a visual reminder of such things. I need to get my ‘quote board’ up and running me thinks…
We too have just finished breaking bad, feeling a little lost without my daily fix of Mr White!!
Hi Jo, reading and running as usual…
Here’s mine
‘ May god grant me the serenity to accept the things i can not change. The courage to change the things i can. And the wisdom to know the difference’
This i beleive is called the serenity prayer and is used in the 12 step programme for alcoholics, although it applies to much of my life. I spent a long time trying to change things and people in my life. Whenever i find myself getting frustrated with a situation i say it out loud. It allows me to channel my energy into more positive things. Hope your well?
Sharron x
We have a sampler with the serenity prayer framed & hanging in our bedroom. You’re right Sharron, it really does cover all situations.
Ir certainly does cover most things Sharron and Susan! Totally agree!
I’ve just finished ‘Breaking Bad on Netflix and they mention the 12 step program a lot.
We’re good Sharron – sure you are busy. It’s lovely to get a comment from you x
Susan – it’s always good to have a visual reminder of such things. I need to get my ‘quote board’ up and running me thinks…
We too have just finished breaking bad, feeling a little lost without my daily fix of Mr White!!
“Life is a sum of all your choices”. Albert Camus
“Life is a sum of all your choices”. Albert Camus
One of my favorites is from Camus: “In the midst of winter I found there was within me an invincible summer”.
Succinct and inspiring. I like it.
One of my favorites is from Camus: “In the midst of winter I found there was within me an invincible summer”.
Succinct and inspiring. I like it.
I like all the Churchill quotes that you chose. However, right now, “Fear is a reaction, courage is a decision,” speaks to me the most.
It speaks to me also. I’ve had to face things I would never have chosen to. Making the decision to act bravely is most certainly the way to go…
I like all the Churchill quotes that you chose. However, right now, “Fear is a reaction, courage is a decision,” speaks to me the most.
It speaks to me also. I’ve had to face things I would never have chosen to. Making the decision to act bravely is most certainly the way to go…
“It is not enough that we do our best; sometimes we must do what is required.” This is one I have not seen before, and it’s just what I need right now. Thanks, Jo.
Yep Jo – I hadn’t heard this one either, and really liked it. It goes back to finding that courage within.
“It is not enough that we do our best; sometimes we must do what is required.” This is one I have not seen before, and it’s just what I need right now. Thanks, Jo.
Yep Jo – I hadn’t heard this one either, and really liked it. It goes back to finding that courage within.
Hello! I just wanted to let you know that I linked to your post in my Joyful Reads for the Weekend–the link is here if you’d like to check it out: http://www.joyfullygreen.com/2014/02/joyful-reads-for-the-weekend-vol-13.html. Thanks for always inspiring me to use what’s in my fridge–I don’t want any more frightful Fridays, chucking out food I’d forgotten about!
Thanks Joy. I’ve just found you on Twitter at RT’d. Jo
Hello! I just wanted to let you know that I linked to your post in my Joyful Reads for the Weekend–the link is here if you’d like to check it out: http://www.joyfullygreen.com/2014/02/joyful-reads-for-the-weekend-vol-13.html. Thanks for always inspiring me to use what’s in my fridge–I don’t want any more frightful Fridays, chucking out food I’d forgotten about!
Thanks Joy. I’ve just found you on Twitter at RT’d. Jo