A bedtime story is the perfect way to end a day. If my mind ever wanders, while sharing a story, I try to bring myself back to the present. I remind myself to be mindful. There may be dishes stacked up downstairs, waiting to be put away, but the Kids' won't want a story from Mom indefinitely. There'll always be more dishes to put away. ...
Getting Your House In Order
On Monday I attended a funeral. It was a sad and unexpected occasion. Part of the service concentrated on how such untimely deaths (and death generally) can focus the mind. The priest spoke about how death reminds us we aren't infinite beings and to not waste time on the mundane. Even if, for some, that reminder is fleeting. "One day you will wake up and ...
Remembering To Consciously Spend
Last weeks theme was all about being in the present. It was about remembering to be mindful, and even delved into videoing my fridge. It was about paying attention, and being in the moment. Another area of my life, where I pay attention, is with finances. We're talking money. In particular spending money. Now seemed a good time to publish a repeat of a ...