Today's post is dedicated to an amazing lady, my Gran - may you rest in peace x Love Food Hate Waste - Meal Planning Even the most organised meal planner sometimes ends up with far too much food in the fridge at the end of the week, life throws things at us that we can't plan for. I had decided that I would participate in Food Waste Friday over at The ...
Simply Perfect Roast Chicken Slow Cooker Recipe
I hear many stories of roast chicken disasters involving slow cookers, and unfortunately one unsuccessful attempt can very often put you off trying again. Follow the instructions below for a perfectly cooked roast chicken with potatoes and veg and you'll never look back! Simply Perfect Roast Chicken with Potatoes and Vegetables Slow Cooker Recipe - Serves ...
Simple Top Tip Tuesday – Adding Honey
This top tip comes from my dear friend 'Running_Mum'... Simple Top Tip Tuesday - Adding Honey If after you have cooked a homemade soup it tastes a little bitter then try adding a spoonful of honey, taste and add more if required. This should sweeten the soup. Then the next top tip to adding honey I saw on Nigella's fantastic programme last week: When ...
Simple Spinach and Sweet Potato Soup Slow Cooker Recipe
This soup I prepare overnight Sunday in advance of Meat-Free Monday for a quick and easy lunch! Simple Spinach and Sweet Potato Soup Slow Cooker Recipe - Serves 4 Load up the cooker just as you go to bed and leave overnight for a tasty vegetarian lunch. ...
Simple Meat-Free Monday Menu
On Monday's the Wright household goes vegetarian for the day. Vegetarian Slow Cooker Style! Today's Meat-Free menu is: Breakfast - Simple Pancakes Lunch - Spinach and Sweet Potato Soup with Rustic Bread Dinner - Vegetarian Cottage Pie with Side Vegetables (Recipe to be posted) Dessert - Apple Crumble Do you have any favourite slow-cooked vegetarian ...
Simple Chilli Con Carne Slow Cooker Recipe
Bonfire Night is upon us and what better way to celebrate than with a few fireworks, some good friends and a nice slow-cooked Chilli? Simple Chilli Con Carne Slow Cooker Recipe - Serves 4 generously or up to 8 when topping jacket potatoes or in mugs A really tasty Chilli that'll hit the spot on colder evenings You will need: 1 x Standard Slow ...
Lakeland to the rescue again
Those who know me, know I am definitely not a shopaholic and I hate kitchen clutter (I only buy what I need) - but there's one shop that always hits the spot! Lakeland to the rescue again! I'm not keen on weighing out ingredients - hence I don't really do it and tend to go with the flow when just baking for myself. Now I am blogging (and have the ...
Simple Rustic Wholemeal Bread Recipe
Oh no I hear you cry - a bread recipe! 'I can't make bread' is the standard response I hear when I suggest that someone try to make a loaf from scratch. It's also what I thought myself just a few years ago...but guess what? I can...and so can you! Simple Rustic Wholemeal Bread Recipe (photo to be added later) You will need: 1 x Large Bowl 1 x Baking ...
Simple Low-Carb Bolognaise Slow Cooker Recipe
Thanks to Q&A session yesterday I was reminded of a wonderful low-carb, low-fat recipe I used to's definitely worth sharing for those reducing carbs or even those who fancy a change from beef and pasta! Simple Low-Carb Bolognaise with Turkey and Courgette/Zucchini Strips Slow Cooker Recipe - Serves 4 I had this today for ...
Top Tip Tuesday – Chopped Onion
If you fancy a good cry today why not follow this top tip for always having a chopped onion to hand? If you buy onions in bulk take the bull by the horns and peel and chop every onion - this will save time when you come to prepare other meals and should also reduce food waste. Place each chopped onion (so you know the amount when adding to recipes) in it's ...