Making soup is probably my favourite way to reduce food waste. It’s so effective. And this simple vegetable soup recipe is the perfect way to use up sorry looking vegetables.
These are my vegetables that are looking a little worse for wear:
The onions are in pretty good shape, but everything else is starting to look a little tired. In particular the limp celery and the sprouting potatoes.
(always remove sprouts from potatoes thoroughly and never use any part of a potato that has gone green)
I’m a huge fan of my Nail Soup – but appreciate that some home cooks like a little more guidance in the kitchen as to what ingredients to include in a soup recipe. When first-born made vegetable soup in food technology at school (and also as a starter on Christmas day) I knew that this really easy soup recipe would be ideal to post here at the blog as part of #foodwastefriday.
Simple Vegetable Soup Recipe
1 large white potato
1 large carrot
2 sticks of celery
1 large white onion (I used 2 small red onions as they are what I had to hand)
2 pints of vegetable stock
Dried mixed herbs
Chopping board & knife
Large pan (saucepan, pot or wok)
Wooden spoon
Hand Blender (optional)
(remember to keep your suitable vegetable scraps to make homemade stock – or if they’ve deteriorated too much then add to the compost bin)
Simple Vegetable Soup Recipe Step By Step Instructions (serves 4)
Roughly chop the vegetables into bite size pieces:
I’ve used 2 small red onions as I had them to use up but ideally it would be a medium to large white onion.
Add all to a large pan – I use a wok but you could use a large saucepan. The pan will need to comfortably hold 2 pints of liquid plus the vegetables:
Pan fry in a knob of butter or some vegetable oil if you do not keep butter in – either will do.
Add a generous shake of dried mixed herbs. I use Aldi’s dried herbs – they are as good as the leading brand in my opinion – they haven’t told me to say that!
You’ll know when the vegetables are ready for the stock to be added as the kitchen will begin to smell really good. But if you’ve not got the best sense of smell, then give it about 5 minutes (while stirring frequently) before adding the stock:
You can use a stock cube, I had to as did not realise I was out of my homemade stock.
Bring to the boil then reduce the heat to a slow simmer and cover, just leaving a small gap to let some of the steam out. If you do not cover it will have a stronger flavour as the liquid will reduce, but you’ll end up with less soup at the end.
Simmer for about 30 mins then leave to cool slightly.
The soup can be served as a broth with chunky vegetables, partially blended or smooth – depending on taste. We like ours partially blended, so it’s a thicker soup but there are still vegetables to much on within it.
To blend, I use a hand blender and partially cover the pan at the same time to reduce splash back. Be careful when blending hot soup, it can scald, so leave to cool a little:
This soup was frozen in reusable pour and store bags of about 300ml per portion for the next weeks lunches:
Super simple, nutritious and economical – with a total price for 4 servings coming in under a £1 easily.
It’s the perfect weather for soup! Thanks for the reminder.
you seriously make the best looking soups!! I am freezing right now with a thick blanket wrapped around me. . I need this soup!!! ?