**The first part of this post, you are about to read, was started last Friday morning:
Original title – How To Start Shopping Naked:
It’s way too obvious to start this post with a pun. So I won’t.
If you are reading this, I’m guessing you know what naked shopping is?
Again I’ll resist the temptation to do a ‘nudge-nudge-wink-wink ohhhhh-matron’ line here.
Reducing food waste is a subject I’ve been interested in for 6 years. And I try to do the best I can.
But I’m not perfect. Nobody’s prefect (deliberate spelling error!).
As my food waste reduces week on week (in part thanks to #FoodWasteFriday) other elements of wastefulness begin to play on my mind.
Packaging waste is a big burden. A troll in the back of my mind, leaving a bad taste in my mouth as I walk round aisles of produce and products. Did you read about my True Cost Of Christmas? It also touches upon my dislike of packaging.
I can compost much of any food waste that I fail to save. I can recycle some of the packaging that the food comes wrapped in. I can add to landfill all the un-recyclable plastic that the remainder of our groceries are contained within.
As I said I’m not perfect, I do buy products in plastic packaging. The main culprits being pasta, crisps, chocolate wrappers and occasionally sparkling water (because I can’t get that out of a tap).
But I’m trying. And as we know even the smallest effort can help to bring about a big change eventually.
A particular area of focus is – fresh produce.
It’s super simple to take along reusable Pyrex containers for the local butcher to fill. It’s even easier to take a basket to the local farm shop and fill it with fruit and vegetables. No plastic required, a naked shop.
**It was just here that the glass of sparkling water, I had on the desk, tipped fully over drowning the side of my keyboard.
After blasting with the hairdryer, the rest of the day my laptop was upside down and switched off. Instinct told me that the odds were stacked more in my favour of it surviving, if it had the chance to dry out.
It did dry out successfully. It taught me a lesson. In fact it made me think in more ways than just ‘don’t put drinks next to electrical items’ duh!
It made me wonder if someone (or something) was giving me a little nudge.
Guess who didn’t buy any plastic bottled sparkling water this week?
But I did do some more Naked Shopping…
I know this isn’t what your post is about, but I’m so jealous of your beautiful leek and big fat carrots! Most places around me sell the skinnier carrots that are already bagged up. And only a few places even sell leeks.