Summer is in full swing. Summer as in the ‘season’. Summer as in the ‘weather’ not so much so in the UK.

We are halfway through and I have not blogged at all – not once. Whaaat?
Here at Chez Wright we schedule the holidays – and usually I blog about it, but haven’t this year.
Life seems to have sped up. As a ‘Work At Home Mum’ I’ve been gradually building my own business for a couple of years now, and all of a sudden I am busy. Busy. Busy. Busy.
Busy good, not busy bad. But busy all the same. That’s why it’s called ‘busi’ness after all I suspect 😉
Inspiration struck earlier as an e-mail pinged into my inbox.
Now most e-mails I receive I do not read. It’s a sign of the times I know – e-mail marketing is long-gone with regard prospecting. But some e-mails are worth reading. That is how I feel about Denise’s. After all I subscribed to her Lucky Bitch website to keep updated, and that is commitment from me indeed.
And I thought I’d spread the word, because there may be other Business Mums out there that haven’t met Denise yet.
If you have time this Summer between nurturing your family (and business) then spend some of it with Denise.
I’m currently listening to her webinar while I type – she’s talking about how we as Mum’s can put ourselves last and pick up the crumbs.
How about we put ourselves first for 30 minutes and take a listen? You can here.
Moving forward it’s likely I will be dropping the odd post in about being a Mum running a business as this is a major part of my home-life now – I hope you’ll stick around to read.
Are you a Mo/um running your own business – any tips on managing the work/home-life balance?
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