I’ve always been an over-thinker and an over-analyser.
Now this can be a weakness, but it can also be an asset. As with most personality attributes.
From time to time I question my reason for blogging. Looking round the blogosphere there are so many blogs to read, and some of such high quality and content, that any self-aware blogger may question – why am I blogging? for all the answers to everything are out there. Do I have the credibility and knowledge to add to the conversation or am I just virtual noise and clutter?
(Do you know just how much fresh content is being created every 48 hours? Check this out.)
Then I remember that:
“A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.” Joan Walsh Anglund.
Life changes, and as some one who puts the pen to paper, or rather fingertips to keyboard, you see that change before your eyes. Some days I read old posts I’ve written, and it feels as though I never wrote them at all.
I’m trying to find my corner of the internet once more, and write about what truly inspires me.
Yesterday while recreational shopping (yes this happens from time to time when the kids have birthday money to spend) I picked up a discounted copy of Eckhart Tolles ‘The Power Of Now’. I have tried to read it before but failed. But going on the basis that if it’s good enough for Oprah it’s worth another shot.
Then last night while late-night-procrastinating about heading on up stairs to bed, I inadvertently started watching The island with Bear Grylls. There was lots of talk about going back to basics and moving away from materialism.
Checking my e-mails this morning there was one from a dear virtual friend talking about reducing sentimental clutter. And this came after an early morning conversation with my spiritually-intrigued 6-year-old who wanted to talk about some pretty high-level stuff.
And all of a sudden I remembered why, and where it all began.
Blogging began as a movement toward a more simple, and authentic, life. It wasn’t about saving money, frugality, having clear counter-tops or even baking home-made cakes. Although all of these elements do find their way into a more minimal way of living.
It was about reducing material stuff, commitments and pressures in order to lead a more mindful and fulfilling family life. To prioritise on the truly important (to us) and to not fritter away the gift of time on futile activites.
So once again I will return to the start, to the physical activity that reminds me why this journey began.
It’s time to declutter. And then to talk about it here at the blog. I may not have all the decluttering answers but I definitely know how to get the ball rolling and build momentum.
The process has begun, and we are already £300 better off because of some extensive ebaying. I’ll be talking about Simply Being Mum’s Spring sale soon.
This was a wonderful thing to read first thing in the morning, following a day spent with my oldest son, who is quite a spiritual person, and then hearing last night of the death of an old friend. All are good reminders to me to me to live my days with purpose and to keep priorities in line.
Thanks Susan. So sorry to hear your bad news ;(
This was a wonderful thing to read first thing in the morning, following a day spent with my oldest son, who is quite a spiritual person, and then hearing last night of the death of an old friend. All are good reminders to me to me to live my days with purpose and to keep priorities in line.
Thanks Susan. So sorry to hear your bad news ;(
One of the reason’s that I started is because I always wondered about my great grandfather’s life and wish he had written a journal. Maybe I can create some sort of life record one day for my great grandchildren.
Sounds perfect!
One of the reason’s that I started is because I always wondered about my great grandfather’s life and wish he had written a journal. Maybe I can create some sort of life record one day for my great grandchildren.
Sounds perfect!
Epiphanies always come at the most unexpected time I’ve found! I’ve been reading http://www.handsfreemama.com/ ‘s book over the holidays to try and get back to just what you are talking about. Connection with those I love spending time with, purpose, simple pleasures and activities, predictable routines, and fun deviations from routines. I know you subscribe to beafunmum on instagram, but her blogs have been really helpful for connecting activities as well. How funny we are both contemplating such similar things at the same time! I swear if I lived anywhere near you I’d be at yours all the time drinking tea and nutting this stuff out! In the meantime my over committed and slightly stressed out husband has to be the main sounding board for all my crazy schemes and requests to fill his car with stuff for an op shop run (because, you know, I have a bad back and couldn’t possibly lift that cabinet, storage draws, large box of DVD’s or whatever else I have decided is no longer necessary to my/our happiness. The kids are getting really good at going through their stuff! And is it coincidence that I spelt op shop run op shop fun twice in a row? I think not! 🙂 ) Well, one of my friends get’s it too, but I don’t make her fill her car with my useless stuff! And she’s into similar ideas about simplicity, but in a slightly different way. There really aren’t many people who totally ‘get’ the whole ‘back to basics, slow things down, simplify’ thing. Thank goodness for the internet, and people like you who create communities of people who ‘get it’! xxx
I wish we did live near each other Clare. Thank heaven for the internet! I do subscribe to http://beafunmum.com – I love reading Kelly’s stuff, but haven’t yet checked out Hands Free Mama! Will need to.
And as for that tea… I reckon wine might be the order of the day 😉
Epiphanies always come at the most unexpected time I’ve found! I’ve been reading http://www.handsfreemama.com/ ‘s book over the holidays to try and get back to just what you are talking about. Connection with those I love spending time with, purpose, simple pleasures and activities, predictable routines, and fun deviations from routines. I know you subscribe to beafunmum on instagram, but her blogs have been really helpful for connecting activities as well. How funny we are both contemplating such similar things at the same time! I swear if I lived anywhere near you I’d be at yours all the time drinking tea and nutting this stuff out! In the meantime my over committed and slightly stressed out husband has to be the main sounding board for all my crazy schemes and requests to fill his car with stuff for an op shop run (because, you know, I have a bad back and couldn’t possibly lift that cabinet, storage draws, large box of DVD’s or whatever else I have decided is no longer necessary to my/our happiness. The kids are getting really good at going through their stuff! And is it coincidence that I spelt op shop run op shop fun twice in a row? I think not! 🙂 ) Well, one of my friends get’s it too, but I don’t make her fill her car with my useless stuff! And she’s into similar ideas about simplicity, but in a slightly different way. There really aren’t many people who totally ‘get’ the whole ‘back to basics, slow things down, simplify’ thing. Thank goodness for the internet, and people like you who create communities of people who ‘get it’! xxx
I wish we did live near each other Clare. Thank heaven for the internet! I do subscribe to http://beafunmum.com – I love reading Kelly’s stuff, but haven’t yet checked out Hands Free Mama! Will need to.
And as for that tea… I reckon wine might be the order of the day 😉