Every day I pay thanks to the internet. And social media.
I believe it’s a miracle.
And don’t even get me started on Instagram. I’m a fan. Wherever I may be, I can check out what’s going on around the globe . There are the most fantastic photos in my stream.
This one not quite so fantastic, but a flavour of my day today.

(p.s it’s not a dirty carpet – just an odd filter I used for some reason!)
Connecting on social media means a gal from the Northern hemisphere (aka me) can observe with fascination how the seasons are so different down under.
Barbecuing the Christmas turkey on the beach. No slow cooker required.
Someone I have recently connected with is Helen from Clutter Rescue. Helen is Australian.
I like a bit of decluttering myself. So having yet another #urgetopurge I’ve decided to participate in her #springorganisingchallenge
(not least because she spells organising with an S)
Fancy joining in? Whenever you are, and whatever season you be in – whether that be Spring, Autumn or Fall.
(Fall is such a great name for the season – if you, like me, are a bit of a language geek click here to learn more).
It all kicks off tomorrow. If you’re feeling that ‘urge to purge’ then do come along for the ride. Or alternatively feel free to see where it takes me!
One of my adult children just moved back home (temporarily – she took a job in our area & is getting herself & her finances organized) so we have more STUFF than ever! She and I have actually been going through our things and getting as much out of the house as possible. Currently, I have 5 large bags of clothing ready to go to donation, and several boxes of books ready to donate to the library. But, there’s so much more that could go!
There’s always so much more that can go. It’s unbelievable, does it breed do you think 😉
Hope you are enjoying having your daughter home, if only temporairily!
One of my adult children just moved back home (temporarily – she took a job in our area & is getting herself & her finances organized) so we have more STUFF than ever! She and I have actually been going through our things and getting as much out of the house as possible. Currently, I have 5 large bags of clothing ready to go to donation, and several boxes of books ready to donate to the library. But, there’s so much more that could go!
There’s always so much more that can go. It’s unbelievable, does it breed do you think 😉
Hope you are enjoying having your daughter home, if only temporairily!