It’s Friday Guys – time for No Waste Tastes Great
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Simply Being Mum’s Friday Fridge
It’s looking a little messy, right?
Top Shelf – Spreads, garlic, cheese including parmesan (but we’ll come back to that)
Top Middle Shelf – Yoghurt, grapes and onions (lots of onions)
Bottom Middle Shelf – Melted and now hardened dark chocolate , a smidge of buttercream and half a packet of salad
Bottom Shelf – 2 Free range chicken breasts and some leftover pancake batter
Door – Milk and eggs
It’s all a bit random today, isn’t it?
Random or not, there’s a plan. There’s always a plan.
Let’s deal with dinner first. I’m going to do a breaded chicken and pasta salad with lemon mayonnaise (I have a lemon in my fruit bowl).
What else can be salvaged?
The onions I am going to chop and freeze. This means I’m going to be shedding a tear or two, I would imagine. There are a lot of onions to chop.
The yoghurts are all in date, as are the eggs and milk, and will be used up over the coming week. You may spy a fancy-dancy chocolate cream yoghurt in there. These don’t get purchased very often due to price and fat-content. However, the Hubby loves ’em. Did I mention I had a girls night out yesterday? I know, get me! 😉 The Kids were safely deposited at my Big Sis’, the Hubby was working late, so I purchased his favourite yoghurt for him to enjoy after his dinner. He didn’t eat it. Men!
The chocolate and buttercream are taking part in my next culinary experiment. Whilst camping I devised a new cupcake. I’ll be testing it out over the weekend, and if it’s successful, I’ll post over at Jo-Jo Bakes. If you like a cupcake, or 2, I highly recommend trying out the sticky-bottomed raspberry cupcake recipe. I donated some to neighbours and feedback was they were mighty fine. They were scrumptious, even if I do say so myself!
Saving the worst till last, let’s move onto the waste. Because I do, indeed, have some.
The pancake batter will have to be disposed off. Once whipped up it’ll last 24 hours refrigerated, but after that it starts to go a grey colour. It’s been in the fridge over 48 hours.
The grapes aren’t looking great. We took them camping. It was so hot in the tent and I hadn’t adequate cooling for the food. Lesson number 11 from our first family camping trip.
I’m going to salvage what I can and recycle the rest with the garden waste.
Finally the parmesan. I said I’d come back to it. I’m not a cheese expert (despite recently seeing how cheddar is made). When I buy a block of hard Italian cheese it lasts a couple of weeks in the fridge. But it doesn’t come in a packet with a use-by date on it. The parmesan in my fridge, currently, is ready-grated and does have a use-by date. 3-days from opening.
This is where I sometimes struggle to make a decision. Is the use-by date on this packet purely marketing? A way of getting the consumer to use it up quickly and replenish. Or is there something sinister about parmesan I should be aware?
If you’re thinking this is a little over-cautious, maybe I should explain?
When my Daughter was a toddler she accidentally ingested some household cleaner, oh yes I’m a bad mother! 😉 In my defense it was literally a couple of drops. I caught her sucking the nozzle of a spray cleaner (which I no longer use). That night she started vomiting. Off to A+E (ER) we went.
I learnt 2 things that evening;
1. That she would have had to drink considerably more of the cleaner to induce vomiting (based on the type I had – I took the bottle with us).
2. That giving your toddler parmesan at lunch can possibly be responsible for projectile vomiting later in the day (or so I was told by the doctor who suggested that was much more likely the cause).
So the question is, to use or not to use? I’m leaning toward the Hubby and I having it at dinner later, and not the kids. Good idea? Bad idea?
How’s your Fridge looking this Friday? Anything to declare? Or is it nice and bare? Please share…
No Waste Tastes Great is bought to you (as always) with thanks to The Frugal Girl for the original inspiration.
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How long has the parmesan been in the fridge? Three days sounds like an overly cautious estimate to me so if it seems OK, I’d use it and freeze any leftovers for sauces or anything else where it will be melted. I’m not a cheese expert though, given that I can’t eat it! 🙂
And if you have a food processor (I can’t remember!) – use it to chop your onions. I always do that when I have a big batch and it really helps keep the crying down.
I have very little to say about our fridge. Flatmate is away, so it’s very minimal. Have switched to only buying how much we need for two or three days as opposed to a week, since we’re mainly having salads at the moment which won’t keep.
Do have a box of duck eggs in there, but they’ll get used. Probably in a posh fry up, since there’s bacon in the freezer. 😉
I’m using the cheese. WilliamB the food oracle over at The Frugal Girl has said eat it, and I reckon he knows his stuff. So tonight my breaded chicken will be parmesan crusted!
How strange about your food processor suggestion. My Sis was just here returning the Kids and we were talking about whether I should return the very first food processor I have ever purchased. I got it on sale a week ago but haven’t yet opened the box as it looks huge! You’ve swung it. I reckon I’m going to keep it.
Great going on the minimal food! Well done! enjoy that posh big-brekkie!
How long has the parmesan been in the fridge? Three days sounds like an overly cautious estimate to me so if it seems OK, I’d use it and freeze any leftovers for sauces or anything else where it will be melted. I’m not a cheese expert though, given that I can’t eat it! 🙂
And if you have a food processor (I can’t remember!) – use it to chop your onions. I always do that when I have a big batch and it really helps keep the crying down.
I have very little to say about our fridge. Flatmate is away, so it’s very minimal. Have switched to only buying how much we need for two or three days as opposed to a week, since we’re mainly having salads at the moment which won’t keep.
Do have a box of duck eggs in there, but they’ll get used. Probably in a posh fry up, since there’s bacon in the freezer. 😉
I’m using the cheese. WilliamB the food oracle over at The Frugal Girl has said eat it, and I reckon he knows his stuff. So tonight my breaded chicken will be parmesan crusted!
How strange about your food processor suggestion. My Sis was just here returning the Kids and we were talking about whether I should return the very first food processor I have ever purchased. I got it on sale a week ago but haven’t yet opened the box as it looks huge! You’ve swung it. I reckon I’m going to keep it.
Great going on the minimal food! Well done! enjoy that posh big-brekkie!
I vote to make Parmesan crusted chicken breasts tonight, freeze the rest if you are concerned about shelf like (not having grown up with that , I ignore most dates). It states 8/30-it’s only the 3rd today! As long as there is no mold, and no off smell-enjoy!
Thanks Carol – That’s what I’m going with for us adults. The Kids I’ll steer clear but there’s only a little left so that’ll use it up! Thanks again!
I vote to make Parmesan crusted chicken breasts tonight, freeze the rest if you are concerned about shelf like (not having grown up with that , I ignore most dates). It states 8/30-it’s only the 3rd today! As long as there is no mold, and no off smell-enjoy!
Thanks Carol – That’s what I’m going with for us adults. The Kids I’ll steer clear but there’s only a little left so that’ll use it up! Thanks again!
Hi Jo,
I second the using the food processor for onion chopping. When I’m chopping a lot (like making salsa or batch cooking), that’s what I do. I’ve also heard that chopping chilled onions is better than room temp ones.
I think your fridge looks great!
See above Lili – the food processor is staying! Thank you!
I’m glad for you that you’ll be keeping your food processor. I use mine a lot, perhaps 2 times a week on average. I used it just yesterday, making a huge pot of pasta and pizza sauce. I chopped the onions, green peppers, carrots, and mustard greens in it for the sauce. I also use it to chop tomatoes. I buy the large institutional size cans of whole tomatoes. The whole toms are less expensive for me than the chopped toms. I chop the whole ones in the processor for batches of salsa, and bug batches of chili. I could list a dozen things I use it for, it is that useful. Glad for you to have yours, as you cook quite a bit, too.
Lili – you have me convinced! I’m not one really for kitchen gadgets as it’s the cleaning of them that puts me off…that’s why I’ve never purchased a processor before. I have no idea how to use one, so will have to get practicing!
Hi Jo,
I second the using the food processor for onion chopping. When I’m chopping a lot (like making salsa or batch cooking), that’s what I do. I’ve also heard that chopping chilled onions is better than room temp ones.
I think your fridge looks great!
See above Lili – the food processor is staying! Thank you!
I’m glad for you that you’ll be keeping your food processor. I use mine a lot, perhaps 2 times a week on average. I used it just yesterday, making a huge pot of pasta and pizza sauce. I chopped the onions, green peppers, carrots, and mustard greens in it for the sauce. I also use it to chop tomatoes. I buy the large institutional size cans of whole tomatoes. The whole toms are less expensive for me than the chopped toms. I chop the whole ones in the processor for batches of salsa, and bug batches of chili. I could list a dozen things I use it for, it is that useful. Glad for you to have yours, as you cook quite a bit, too.
Lili – you have me convinced! I’m not one really for kitchen gadgets as it’s the cleaning of them that puts me off…that’s why I’ve never purchased a processor before. I have no idea how to use one, so will have to get practicing!
I would probably take my chances with it to be honest, but not give it to the kids. But that’s just me!! I don’t know if you can see my facebook page jo? But my birthday cake was a huge success, it was very simple and we had it warm with ice cream, the pix are on facebook.
I remember my eldest having a serious asthma attack after being asthma free for 7 years. It was a brand of air freshener that had triggered it. The doctors were in no doubt about it. There is another brand of cleaners on the market that i only used once, and that was enough, it caught the back of my throat and made me feel dizzy. You were right to be cautious with your daughter.
Fridge looking great, but i think mines emptier lol (well it is summer hols..)
Sharron x
Hey Sharron – lovely to have you here! Hope all going well! Chemicals are used minimally now. I can’t stand antibac cleaner – I can feel it in my throat immediately. And as for air fresheners, we’ve never used those. The Hubby has a theory, if there’s a smell in the house so bad that needs masking by an aerosol then there’s something wrong in the house!
Would you e-mail me your photo of the cake – I’d love to put it on my facebook page also? What do you think? So proud of you! Haven’t seen photo yet – not sure I can… Hope the party was a success! and a great birthday was had!
Oh boy just thought! I don’t want to insult anyone who uses fresheners. My Big Sis uses them all the time because she likes the smell. There’s definitely nothing wrong in her house! Was just sharing one of the Hubby’s little quirks!
Sharron – had another thought. You could post directly on my FB page your cake and some words…I’d love to hear your own thoughts on the cake….
I would probably take my chances with it to be honest, but not give it to the kids. But that’s just me!! I don’t know if you can see my facebook page jo? But my birthday cake was a huge success, it was very simple and we had it warm with ice cream, the pix are on facebook.
I remember my eldest having a serious asthma attack after being asthma free for 7 years. It was a brand of air freshener that had triggered it. The doctors were in no doubt about it. There is another brand of cleaners on the market that i only used once, and that was enough, it caught the back of my throat and made me feel dizzy. You were right to be cautious with your daughter.
Fridge looking great, but i think mines emptier lol (well it is summer hols..)
Sharron x
Hey Sharron – lovely to have you here! Hope all going well! Chemicals are used minimally now. I can’t stand antibac cleaner – I can feel it in my throat immediately. And as for air fresheners, we’ve never used those. The Hubby has a theory, if there’s a smell in the house so bad that needs masking by an aerosol then there’s something wrong in the house!
Would you e-mail me your photo of the cake – I’d love to put it on my facebook page also? What do you think? So proud of you! Haven’t seen photo yet – not sure I can… Hope the party was a success! and a great birthday was had!
Oh boy just thought! I don’t want to insult anyone who uses fresheners. My Big Sis uses them all the time because she likes the smell. There’s definitely nothing wrong in her house! Was just sharing one of the Hubby’s little quirks!
Sharron – had another thought. You could post directly on my FB page your cake and some words…I’d love to hear your own thoughts on the cake….
The parmesan will be absolutely fine. Chuck it in the freezer now if you don’t think you’ll eat it – it melts really quickly onto pasta/bolognese.
Thank you Ruth – yes we’re going to eat it! Thanks again!
The parmesan will be absolutely fine. Chuck it in the freezer now if you don’t think you’ll eat it – it melts really quickly onto pasta/bolognese.
Thank you Ruth – yes we’re going to eat it! Thanks again!
Interesting read, thanks for sharing! =)
Thank you
Interesting read, thanks for sharing! =)
Thank you
How funny. I bought a block of Parmesan too and it’s use by date is in 2013!!!
Bizarre isn’t it?
How funny. I bought a block of Parmesan too and it’s use by date is in 2013!!!
Bizarre isn’t it?
Hey Sharron, shame you had to throw away the pancake batter. If I have any batter left, I always bake some extra pancakes so it’s all gone. The extra pancakes,well I just put them in the fridge and they always get eaten the next day for breakfast, lunch or just a snack.
Hi Petra… That sounds a sensible idea, and I will try to cook them all in one go next time. Jo
Hey Sharron, shame you had to throw away the pancake batter. If I have any batter left, I always bake some extra pancakes so it’s all gone. The extra pancakes,well I just put them in the fridge and they always get eaten the next day for breakfast, lunch or just a snack.
Hi Petra… That sounds a sensible idea, and I will try to cook them all in one go next time. Jo
Interesting! Here in the US, we have shake canisters of parmesan that are used for MONTHS after opening. I wonder why the doc thought it was the parm? Our boys eat it without any issues at all. I’m curious to learn more as things seem so different on the other side of the pond 🙂
Hi Megyn… we also have the shakers but I think it’s dried parmesan in there not fresh. That would explain the length of life. I didn’t question the Dr, as I was just so relieved and also a little embarrassed I had poisoned my child – or so I thought! It may be that the parmesan was too strong maybe for her tiny tummy I don’t know – she may just have been having an off day and with the added antibac cleaner it took her over the edge. But as soon as I said what she’d had for lunch, pasta with parmesan, he just said ‘it’s probably the cheese’. She eats it now, and we’ve had no repeat performance!
Interesting! Here in the US, we have shake canisters of parmesan that are used for MONTHS after opening. I wonder why the doc thought it was the parm? Our boys eat it without any issues at all. I’m curious to learn more as things seem so different on the other side of the pond 🙂
Hi Megyn… we also have the shakers but I think it’s dried parmesan in there not fresh. That would explain the length of life. I didn’t question the Dr, as I was just so relieved and also a little embarrassed I had poisoned my child – or so I thought! It may be that the parmesan was too strong maybe for her tiny tummy I don’t know – she may just have been having an off day and with the added antibac cleaner it took her over the edge. But as soon as I said what she’d had for lunch, pasta with parmesan, he just said ‘it’s probably the cheese’. She eats it now, and we’ve had no repeat performance!
We all strive to have your “messy” refrigerator. Also, I’m sure the Parmesan cheese is fine, but I’d do the same as you are–not give it to the kids. Better safe than sorry.
Thanks! Yes almost 24 hours on and the Hubby and I have suffered no repercussions from eating the cheese…
We all strive to have your “messy” refrigerator. Also, I’m sure the Parmesan cheese is fine, but I’d do the same as you are–not give it to the kids. Better safe than sorry.
Thanks! Yes almost 24 hours on and the Hubby and I have suffered no repercussions from eating the cheese…
I freeze most of my packet cheese (I HATE grating, so I pay for things to be grated more or less!) BUt that way it doesn’t go mouldy, and seeing as it’s usually melted, or in something, it doesn’t matter to me it’s left frozen. Oh I remember those parmasen shakers – nasty stuff, I always thought they smelt like death, but will happily eat the ‘fresher’ parmasen that’s oh so popular now! The grapes in my local fruit store look as bad as your waste ones 🙁 Wonder if anyone is buying them…
I freeze most of my packet cheese (I HATE grating, so I pay for things to be grated more or less!) BUt that way it doesn’t go mouldy, and seeing as it’s usually melted, or in something, it doesn’t matter to me it’s left frozen. Oh I remember those parmasen shakers – nasty stuff, I always thought they smelt like death, but will happily eat the ‘fresher’ parmasen that’s oh so popular now! The grapes in my local fruit store look as bad as your waste ones 🙁 Wonder if anyone is buying them…