It’s Friday Guys – time for No Waste Tastes Great
Click here to find out more about my Friday routine
Simply Being Mum’s Friday Fridge
Quite full by my standards, but as always there’s a plan!
Top Shelf – Spreads (lot’s of baking spread, I have some cakes to bake!), garlic and yoghurts (in date)
Top Middle Shelf – Grapes and half a cucumber
Bottom Middle Shelf – 6 onions and an egg white (in the green tub)
Bottom Shelf – A bowl of broccoli and cheddar soup and a small leftover portion of spaghetti bolognese
Door – Milk, water and 3 eggs
So what’s the No Waste Tastes Great plan today?
We’ll go bottom to top for a change, me thinks…
The bottom shelf contains today’s lunch. Dan will be having left over slow-cooked spaghetti bolognese as he is home for lunch. I’ll be having a large serving of broccoli and cheddar soup that I slow-cooked for dinner yesterday. This should have been broccoli and stilton as I was photographing the soup for the freebie soup recipe e-book I’m working on.
Waste confession 1 – When I unwrapped the stilton (approx 60g/2oz worth) it was way past its prime! There was me thinking stilton is just mouldy cheese, how bad can it get? Well apparently it can turn orange. I didn’t photograph it as I have a strong aversion to stilton (apart from in soup), and extra mouldy stilton was a step too far. The thought of touching the camera after handling the stilton did not appeal.
So here’s a picture of what my stilton didn’t look like, and also a taster for the e-book:
I’m not one for abandoning a recipe if I find I don’t have the ingredients to hand. Particularly when I’ve already prepped the other ingredients.
So I popped in my remaining cheddar. About half the amount I should have added, but no mind. I quite like ‘thinking outside the recipe’ and trying things out. It’s a great way to discover new dishes, and to reduce waste. After all No Waste Tastes Great! Lesson learnt regarding storing food in non-transparent packaging and containers.
The soup was pretty tasty.
Moving on….
The 6 onions I’ve decided to chop and freeze, just in case.
There’s also an egg white lurking. This is because I glazed my home-made chicken pasties with egg yolk the other evening. The recipe for the pasties will be posted next week.
I wouldn’t normally use an egg to glaze as oil or a little milk is usually sufficient for a no-fuss family meal. However I’m keen to try out home-made sugarpaste/fondant icing rather than buying it ready to roll. I have no idea how this will fare, but I’m determined to give it a go (likely later today). It requires an egg white, so I needed to split an egg.
This just leaves the grapes and cucumber. Grapes, no problem, they will be eaten over the weekend.
The cucumber is another matter. Now, I am a self-confessed Aldi convert. I’ve been shopping there for almost 6 months, and am (on the whole) very impressed. However my experience with their cucumber and satsumas hasn’t been good, they seem to deteriorate quickly. The cucumber, this week, turned to near mush within 3 days.
Waste confession 2 – Half a cucumber – which I did photograph as it doesn’t smell like cheesy feet.
I’m going to be avoiding Aldi cucumber, as I did with their satsumas recently. I need some sun-dried tomatoes and loo roll, so I’ll be popping by Home Bargains and there is a fruit and vegetable market stall nearby.
Dinner tonight will be egg and soldiers for the kids, which will use up all 3 eggs (as Dan sometimes has 2). I’m out this evening locally with the “TeddyMums” for a curry (and a beer), so the Hubby will be picking up fish and chips on his way home. I love cooking, I really do, but it is nice to have a night off!
How’s your Fridge looking this Friday? Anything to declare? Or is it nice and bare? Please share…
No Waste Tastes Great is bought to you (as always) with thanks to The Frugal Girl for the original inspiration.
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Last week and this week when I see the icing and garlic next to each other on the top shelf, I just hope that the garlic is well sealed. I wouldn’t want my icing to taste like garlic. Too bad about the cucmber. I’ve had some good ones recently (not from Aldis).
Hi yes – the garlic is well sealed, mostly still whole. It isn’t icing up there, it’s vegetable spread. I’ve never noticed a problem with the butter cream when I do pop back in the fridge however as that’s also kept in a sealed container. Perhaps my family are too polite too say 😉
Hmmm made me think… it must be well sealed as there’s no smell of garlic at all in the fridge…
Last week and this week when I see the icing and garlic next to each other on the top shelf, I just hope that the garlic is well sealed. I wouldn’t want my icing to taste like garlic. Too bad about the cucmber. I’ve had some good ones recently (not from Aldis).
Hi yes – the garlic is well sealed, mostly still whole. It isn’t icing up there, it’s vegetable spread. I’ve never noticed a problem with the butter cream when I do pop back in the fridge however as that’s also kept in a sealed container. Perhaps my family are too polite too say 😉
Hmmm made me think… it must be well sealed as there’s no smell of garlic at all in the fridge…
Not a fan of FRESH stinky cheese here, so I’d have the same reaction as you to the MOULDY stinky cheese 🙂
But your soup looks delicious. I love hearty soup. And I am so looking forward to the chicken pasties recipe.
I managed to cook, and make people eat, the pork tenderloin from last week – victory! I was also careful not to buy any more meat because I knew it would be a terrifically busy week. Everyone fended for themselves with frozen emergency dinners and the aforementioned pork and some frozen vegetables 🙂
Well done on saving the pork! Good going! You are really getting into the swing.
The recipe will be mid-week I reckon, but it does involve a bit of slow-cooking – see if I can persuade you to try one out eh?
Not a fan of FRESH stinky cheese here, so I’d have the same reaction as you to the MOULDY stinky cheese 🙂
But your soup looks delicious. I love hearty soup. And I am so looking forward to the chicken pasties recipe.
I managed to cook, and make people eat, the pork tenderloin from last week – victory! I was also careful not to buy any more meat because I knew it would be a terrifically busy week. Everyone fended for themselves with frozen emergency dinners and the aforementioned pork and some frozen vegetables 🙂
Well done on saving the pork! Good going! You are really getting into the swing.
The recipe will be mid-week I reckon, but it does involve a bit of slow-cooking – see if I can persuade you to try one out eh?