It’s Friday Guys and time for No Waste Tastes Great
Fridays I take a little time first thing to strip down the fridge and perishables cupboard, clean both of them, take note of anything that needs replenishing, return any items back to the fridge leaving what needs using up on the counter.
Click here to find out more about my Friday Routine
Things have been a little different this week in that I have been following my 6&6 Simple Eating and Exercise Plan, and participating in Minimize Yo Butt.
It doesn’t change my attitude to food waste however. My meals were planned, and as such there isn’t any waste. I have 2 portions of cottage pie for the kids tonight with broccoli and carrots. There’s some of my favourite soup ready for my lunch and the Hubby and I have omelets (due to having eggs left to use) this evening with cherry toms and peppers and that’s the fridge and perishables all done and dusted. The fridge is then well and truly bare!
The plan this week had been to post daily my menu for each day to illustrate how someone looking to reduce their MumTum can incorporate 6 simple meals into family life. Yesterday there wasn’t a post, I was helping at the local school disco and had two very excited children upon my return which took a while to settle down.
Regardless my eating did not deviate – Day 4
Meal 1 – Oats and Honey
Meal 2 – Summer Fruit Protein Shake
Meal 3 – Jacket Potato with Curried Cottage Cheese
Meal 4 – Myoplex Meal Replacement Bar
Meal 5 – Spicy Carrot, Ginger and Red Lentil Soup
Meal 6 – Chocolate Protein Shake
Normally Thursday evening is running night, but not possible due to the disco – so unfortunately I missed a workout! Friday should be my free day where I eat what I like and skip a workout, but as I have food to use up and it’s all in line with my 6&6 I’ll keep to the plan and also incorporate some cardio to make up for what I missed yesterday. The same principle applies to the 6&6 plan as it does to meal planning, having that ‘contingency day’ means should plans deviate there’s a day to rectify!
How’s your Fridge looking this Friday and if participating, how’s the challenge going for you?
Hey Jo – How did you curry the cottage cheese? It looks fantastic!
Good for you for sticking with the plan even though you had to cut into your free day in order the stay the course. Hopefully you’ll still get to enjoy some “time off” this evening. (Wine and a DVD?) 😉
This week has gone great for me on the MYB challenge. I’ve gotten plenty of exercise and cleaned up my eating plan as well. It’s been much more fun and motivating than I anticipated it would be. Having a group to share the challenge with has really made it a lot of fun!
I can’t take credit for the curried cottage cheese! Although I’d like too 🙂
This was shop bought. You may have noticed I like food with a kick, and when I went to get the CC (I normally buy it with pineapple as I like sweet and sour also) I noticed this new addition. What a fab idea – basically it’s a little curry powder, some apricot and a few raisins I think. I will make my own next time with natural cottage cheese, a handful of sultanas (maybe not the apricot as I don’t think I’d use it all up) and some spices. This meal is fantastic for my plan. The potato is in perfect portion size for the amount of carbs, and one small tub of cheese is also the correct amount of protein.
Glad you are sticking with MYB! yay! Once again blogging about something has really motivated me. Being accountable definitely works for me and as we are doing it as a group it’s fun as well. Here’s to a great second week. I’m out of the blogging world till next Friday (post scheduled for tomorrow explaining) so have a superb week and see you next Friday! Have Fun out there!
Hey Jo – How did you curry the cottage cheese? It looks fantastic!
Good for you for sticking with the plan even though you had to cut into your free day in order the stay the course. Hopefully you’ll still get to enjoy some “time off” this evening. (Wine and a DVD?) 😉
This week has gone great for me on the MYB challenge. I’ve gotten plenty of exercise and cleaned up my eating plan as well. It’s been much more fun and motivating than I anticipated it would be. Having a group to share the challenge with has really made it a lot of fun!
I can’t take credit for the curried cottage cheese! Although I’d like too 🙂
This was shop bought. You may have noticed I like food with a kick, and when I went to get the CC (I normally buy it with pineapple as I like sweet and sour also) I noticed this new addition. What a fab idea – basically it’s a little curry powder, some apricot and a few raisins I think. I will make my own next time with natural cottage cheese, a handful of sultanas (maybe not the apricot as I don’t think I’d use it all up) and some spices. This meal is fantastic for my plan. The potato is in perfect portion size for the amount of carbs, and one small tub of cheese is also the correct amount of protein.
Glad you are sticking with MYB! yay! Once again blogging about something has really motivated me. Being accountable definitely works for me and as we are doing it as a group it’s fun as well. Here’s to a great second week. I’m out of the blogging world till next Friday (post scheduled for tomorrow explaining) so have a superb week and see you next Friday! Have Fun out there!
Hey Jo – How did you curry the cottage cheese? It looks fantastic!
Good for you for sticking with the plan even though you had to cut into your free day in order the stay the course. Hopefully you’ll still get to enjoy some “time off” this evening. (Wine and a DVD?) 😉
This week has gone great for me on the MYB challenge. I’ve gotten plenty of exercise and cleaned up my eating plan as well. It’s been much more fun and motivating than I anticipated it would be. Having a group to share the challenge with has really made it a lot of fun!
I can’t take credit for the curried cottage cheese! Although I’d like too 🙂
This was shop bought. You may have noticed I like food with a kick, and when I went to get the CC (I normally buy it with pineapple as I like sweet and sour also) I noticed this new addition. What a fab idea – basically it’s a little curry powder, some apricot and a few raisins I think. I will make my own next time with natural cottage cheese, a handful of sultanas (maybe not the apricot as I don’t think I’d use it all up) and some spices. This meal is fantastic for my plan. The potato is in perfect portion size for the amount of carbs, and one small tub of cheese is also the correct amount of protein.
Glad you are sticking with MYB! yay! Once again blogging about something has really motivated me. Being accountable definitely works for me and as we are doing it as a group it’s fun as well. Here’s to a great second week. I’m out of the blogging world till next Friday (post scheduled for tomorrow explaining) so have a superb week and see you next Friday! Have Fun out there!