This is a picture of me about to tuck into‘The Slag Of All Snacks’
This can mean only one of two things either; I’m pregnant (these were my cravings when I was on both occasions), or the author of ‘The Simple Guide To Meal Planning‘ did not heed one’s own advice.
It’s the latter.
This morning I –
1. Went into a supermarket
2. Went into a supermarket having had no breakfast
3. Went into a supermarket without a list
4. Proceeded to browse, all aisles not just the food ones
The result = A Pot Noodle. In my defence only one Pot Noodle.
So how did this happen? Well I couldn’t book an online delivery today as I was unsure how the day was going to go with hospital visits, and a few other things etc…etc…
So I popped into my favoured supermarket Sainsburys, unprepared might I add. Not only did I buy a Pot Noodle, but also a CD (my achilles heel!). Excellent CD by Plan B.
There is one benefit to my impromptu visit today, and that was by browsing I saw how much food prices have increased generally. There were things I considered buying and wouldn’t as the price had inflated so much. With online shopping you aren’t as exposed to the general increase.
My plan has been to take another look at how I shop, once things calm down this end. Today’s visit reinforced for me that this is needed. Watch This Space!
**disclaimer – I have no issue with Pot Noodle – as with everything in life moderation is key. Oh and I loved their marketing campaign it was refreshingly honest and very funny**
Really sorry to hear your mum’s in hospital Jo – My mum has been on and off over the last year and it is always a stomach wobbling event for me.
Need to catch up on your cooking form scratch run. I’ve been trying to downsize my internet time a little to spend more time being creative.
Lol re the pot noodle. I had one once in 1993 and haven’t repeated the experience.
Sorry to hear about your Mum also, it is tough… Totally get it with the internet time, you can lose whole pockets of time browsing etc… but I do find it’s a good way for me to relax, in moderation! Sounds like you had a bad experience with that pot boodle 😉
Really sorry to hear your mum’s in hospital Jo – My mum has been on and off over the last year and it is always a stomach wobbling event for me.
Need to catch up on your cooking form scratch run. I’ve been trying to downsize my internet time a little to spend more time being creative.
Lol re the pot noodle. I had one once in 1993 and haven’t repeated the experience.
Sorry to hear about your Mum also, it is tough… Totally get it with the internet time, you can lose whole pockets of time browsing etc… but I do find it’s a good way for me to relax, in moderation! Sounds like you had a bad experience with that pot boodle 😉
Really sorry to hear your mum’s in hospital Jo – My mum has been on and off over the last year and it is always a stomach wobbling event for me.
Need to catch up on your cooking form scratch run. I’ve been trying to downsize my internet time a little to spend more time being creative.
Lol re the pot noodle. I had one once in 1993 and haven’t repeated the experience.
Sorry to hear about your Mum also, it is tough… Totally get it with the internet time, you can lose whole pockets of time browsing etc… but I do find it’s a good way for me to relax, in moderation! Sounds like you had a bad experience with that pot boodle 😉
Oh, my, yes – you broke the rules, you pay the price LOL
If I shop when I am hungry, it never fails, the bill is always higher.
You did well to come away with only one of those pot noodle things!!
I did come away with pate also… bizarre what I crave when hungry! Oh oh learnt my lesson 🙂
Oh, my, yes – you broke the rules, you pay the price LOL
If I shop when I am hungry, it never fails, the bill is always higher.
You did well to come away with only one of those pot noodle things!!
I did come away with pate also… bizarre what I crave when hungry! Oh oh learnt my lesson 🙂
Oh, my, yes – you broke the rules, you pay the price LOL
If I shop when I am hungry, it never fails, the bill is always higher.
You did well to come away with only one of those pot noodle things!!
I did come away with pate also… bizarre what I crave when hungry! Oh oh learnt my lesson 🙂