So we are onto Day 2 and the good ole British weather had a surprise in store for me and my meal planning.
(**Please note this post was updated right at the end on 3rd July**)
We have the sun! And as Sharron commented on the last post – “too darn hot to cook a roast”. She’s right… I hadn’t quite got a Sunday Roast planned, but did have Toad In The Hole up my sleeve. That was soon shelved. Fortunately I buy frozen low-fat sausages (as they slow cook better – keep their shape/structure) so they just got left in the freezer for another (cooler) day. I also buy frozen minced beef, so had some to hand.
An impromptu barbecue was decided upon – and may I add the first of the year!
Sunday 26th June 2011 – Cost Experiment Day 2
SimplyBeingMums Home-made Burgers in Baps – Serves 4
250g of extra lean Scotch beef = £2.50
2 Tablespoons of Tomato Puree = £0.10
1 Tablespoon of Mixed Herbs = £0.05
50g of Cornflakes made into breadcrumbs = £0.10
1 Free Range Egg = £0.24
Seasoning = £ Negligable
(update Monday – remembered last night I hadn’t included one small onion also at approx £0.15 – see updated total below)
Total for 4 Large Burgers £3.14 (£0.79 each)
500g of Strong Flour (2/3 White 1/3 Wholemeal) = £0.37
25g of Unsalted Butter = £0.11
1 Sachet of Yeast = £0.15
300ml Warm Water = £0.00
Total for 6 Extra Large Baps = £0.63 (£0.105 each)
Actually used 4 Baps (saved 2 for lunches Mon) = £0.42 (£0.105 each)
Total Cost for 4 servings – £3.56 or £0.89 each
Now for a little rationale which I didn’t do on the last post. This comparison is based on what I would buy, not necessarily the cheapest out there. My main aim when feeding the family is quality of food/nutrition, a pleasant eating experience and then cost. It also is based on what I believe would be a comparable product purchased ready-made. Therefore this comparison will not be against frozen low meat content burgers (however my maths isn’t strong enough to try to match % between my burgers and others either). Please bear in mind there is some poetic license in this post! It probably wouldn’t stand up to scientific scrutiny!
The equivalent fresh burgers from my usual supermarket are currently on special so would have cost £1 each today and have 96% meat content (not that I do buy them – I don’t). They may be slightly larger than my burgers, so probably not a direct comparison, as may contain more meat. However the burger baps are most certainly smaller than mine! They would cost £0.14 each, and definitely do not look as appetising! I was really impressed with my bread making today…
SimplyBeingMum = £0.89
Sainsburys = £1.14
Making an executive decision here in that I don’t think there’s much in it. What I do know is that my burgers and baps took time and energy (both physical and electricity) to make, but contain no hidden nasties (that I know too) and are exceptionally lean – so much so the Hubby struggled to keep them together on the BBQ. Pro’s and Con’s. Fortunately I love cooking and get a huge sense of satisfaction from it, doubly so when the kids enjoy it, and see how it all goes together.
Wimbledon has just started (hence the rain in the UK) so I’ll go with a scoreline of “deuce” (a tie) on this one. Well I don’t want it to be a walk in the park do I? Am starting to wonder if I got lucky Day 1? 🙂
**In fact it wasn’t deuce, a comment made on another post 1st July by Sharron made me realise I put the wrong cost down for the mince. 250g is actually £1.25. Therefore the cost of the burgers reduced by 31p each – taking the total cost per serving to £0.58.**
Update comparison:
SimplyBeingMum’s Burgers in Baps £0.58
Sainsbury’s £1.14
My math is not strong either but didn’t you come out ahead here?? 🙂
(Simplybeingmum 0.85 cost, store-bought 1.14 cost)
Although it’s entirely possible I’m missing something, so do let us know?
By the way your picture has my mouth watering . . .
Unless you just meant that the math showed you ahead, but you were trying to take into consideration all the other factors? See, eventually, I catch on . . .
Hi Jo H – I reckon my burgers may not be as heavy on the meat as the shop ones. So I have taken it that I am slightly cheaper but once you add other variables in, it’s probably there or thereabouts. For ease I’ve called it a tie and taken Sunday’s out of the equation. Also just as I went to bed I realised I had missed the small onion from the costing which increases it by 4p each! One thing I do know is I’d rather eat my burgers – no offence to Sainsbury’s – I feel like that about pretty much all burgers that I come across. I just like to know what’s in my food I guess… now if I could just get the hang of making sausages hmmmm now there’s a challenge! 🙂
My math is not strong either but didn’t you come out ahead here?? 🙂
(Simplybeingmum 0.85 cost, store-bought 1.14 cost)
Although it’s entirely possible I’m missing something, so do let us know?
By the way your picture has my mouth watering . . .
Unless you just meant that the math showed you ahead, but you were trying to take into consideration all the other factors? See, eventually, I catch on . . .
Hi Jo H – I reckon my burgers may not be as heavy on the meat as the shop ones. So I have taken it that I am slightly cheaper but once you add other variables in, it’s probably there or thereabouts. For ease I’ve called it a tie and taken Sunday’s out of the equation. Also just as I went to bed I realised I had missed the small onion from the costing which increases it by 4p each! One thing I do know is I’d rather eat my burgers – no offence to Sainsbury’s – I feel like that about pretty much all burgers that I come across. I just like to know what’s in my food I guess… now if I could just get the hang of making sausages hmmmm now there’s a challenge! 🙂
My math is not strong either but didn’t you come out ahead here?? 🙂
(Simplybeingmum 0.85 cost, store-bought 1.14 cost)
Although it’s entirely possible I’m missing something, so do let us know?
By the way your picture has my mouth watering . . .
Unless you just meant that the math showed you ahead, but you were trying to take into consideration all the other factors? See, eventually, I catch on . . .
Hi Jo H – I reckon my burgers may not be as heavy on the meat as the shop ones. So I have taken it that I am slightly cheaper but once you add other variables in, it’s probably there or thereabouts. For ease I’ve called it a tie and taken Sunday’s out of the equation. Also just as I went to bed I realised I had missed the small onion from the costing which increases it by 4p each! One thing I do know is I’d rather eat my burgers – no offence to Sainsbury’s – I feel like that about pretty much all burgers that I come across. I just like to know what’s in my food I guess… now if I could just get the hang of making sausages hmmmm now there’s a challenge! 🙂
They look yummy!! I am curios (having never made my own burgers-hangs head in shame) do you just add it all together then shape? And how is the egg used? sorry really dumb questions!!
I may join you in costings, it would be interesting to see how much i spend on actual meals. I have a sneaking suspicion that we are spending more on snacks than actual meals. I am not as ‘home prepped’ as you, i still buy bread and quite a lot of pre-packaged that i’m trying to get away from, it’s just finding alternatives that everyone still enjoys.
Sharron x
Hi Sharron – Home-made burgers are one of the easiest things you can make. It really is chuck it all in! basically take your mince and add in the onion and puree (I blend mine with the puree as the Kids aren’t keen on chopped onion). Then add herbs, seasoning etc, followed by breadcrumbs and the egg. Now theoretically you should beat the egg first so it is nice and consistent. I don’t bother and beat it in as I go, less washing up etc…
Shape them and cook. If you use a lean meat then it’s best to do them in the oven for approx 15 mins, as they can crumble a little.
What I love about home-made burgers is you can really experiment. So lamb, turkey, pork, beef – you name it… you can also play around with the flavour. For example some jerk marinade to spice it up, or add BBQ sauce, or chilli powder depending on what you like. You could add mushrooms, peppers, all sorts really. The only consideration is sometimes they can be a little bland compared to shop bought. So practise makes perfect as with much of cooking – you do need to work on the seasoning and that’s why I add mixed herbs. Have a go and let me know????
They look yummy!! I am curios (having never made my own burgers-hangs head in shame) do you just add it all together then shape? And how is the egg used? sorry really dumb questions!!
I may join you in costings, it would be interesting to see how much i spend on actual meals. I have a sneaking suspicion that we are spending more on snacks than actual meals. I am not as ‘home prepped’ as you, i still buy bread and quite a lot of pre-packaged that i’m trying to get away from, it’s just finding alternatives that everyone still enjoys.
Sharron x
Hi Sharron – Home-made burgers are one of the easiest things you can make. It really is chuck it all in! basically take your mince and add in the onion and puree (I blend mine with the puree as the Kids aren’t keen on chopped onion). Then add herbs, seasoning etc, followed by breadcrumbs and the egg. Now theoretically you should beat the egg first so it is nice and consistent. I don’t bother and beat it in as I go, less washing up etc…
Shape them and cook. If you use a lean meat then it’s best to do them in the oven for approx 15 mins, as they can crumble a little.
What I love about home-made burgers is you can really experiment. So lamb, turkey, pork, beef – you name it… you can also play around with the flavour. For example some jerk marinade to spice it up, or add BBQ sauce, or chilli powder depending on what you like. You could add mushrooms, peppers, all sorts really. The only consideration is sometimes they can be a little bland compared to shop bought. So practise makes perfect as with much of cooking – you do need to work on the seasoning and that’s why I add mixed herbs. Have a go and let me know????
They look yummy!! I am curios (having never made my own burgers-hangs head in shame) do you just add it all together then shape? And how is the egg used? sorry really dumb questions!!
I may join you in costings, it would be interesting to see how much i spend on actual meals. I have a sneaking suspicion that we are spending more on snacks than actual meals. I am not as ‘home prepped’ as you, i still buy bread and quite a lot of pre-packaged that i’m trying to get away from, it’s just finding alternatives that everyone still enjoys.
Sharron x
Hi Sharron – Home-made burgers are one of the easiest things you can make. It really is chuck it all in! basically take your mince and add in the onion and puree (I blend mine with the puree as the Kids aren’t keen on chopped onion). Then add herbs, seasoning etc, followed by breadcrumbs and the egg. Now theoretically you should beat the egg first so it is nice and consistent. I don’t bother and beat it in as I go, less washing up etc…
Shape them and cook. If you use a lean meat then it’s best to do them in the oven for approx 15 mins, as they can crumble a little.
What I love about home-made burgers is you can really experiment. So lamb, turkey, pork, beef – you name it… you can also play around with the flavour. For example some jerk marinade to spice it up, or add BBQ sauce, or chilli powder depending on what you like. You could add mushrooms, peppers, all sorts really. The only consideration is sometimes they can be a little bland compared to shop bought. So practise makes perfect as with much of cooking – you do need to work on the seasoning and that’s why I add mixed herbs. Have a go and let me know????