The procrastinator in me was well and truly awoken this morning, as I sat to do some work, turned on the PC and fired up the e-mail…
Over at Minimalist at Home Faith posted Are Your Summers Lazy Or Crazy
Head on over and check it out for the low down. My post is semi-related although off on a tangent somewhat.
ps – nice to see Faith back at the keyboard
Without a doubt my most productive time of year (personally) is Spring, March-June.
It is also my favourite time of year.
Spring brings with it new life and optimism. I feel I can conquer the world. The sun tends to shine this time of year in the UK (Summer’s tend not to be so great anymore…)
When the sun shines it brings a sense of invigoration, and of energy.
There are grand plans afoot this year.
2 major projects (make that 3 in reality! oh yes sentimental hoard you are still sitting there taunting me!)
Grand Plan 1 – The Spring Sale
Inspired by The Minimalist Mom Rachel’s big move to The Manx, I have decided to step up my game with the decluttering and get ruthless.
I have been slowly reducing our stuff for over two-years and can see the fruits of my labour. I am now left with more saleable items rather than clutter/rubbish. I’m planning a Big Sell. I know Rachel is fantastic at this. I not so! I find e-baying, listing etc… rather overwhelming and time-consuming – those two characteristics tend to bring out the procrastinator in me.
Not this Spring – I’ll be keeping a tally to keep me motivated – watch this space. How much can I earn through selling redundant items. No doubt there will be many a story along the way. There normally is! Mr Bean has nothing on me! I’ll fill you all in one-day on how I got locked in my garage in Winter in nothing but a Little Miss Naughty dressing gown and running shoes and had to be rescued by a dog-walker.
Grand Plan 2 – Gardening Girl
Over the years I have attached the label ‘Not a Gardener’ to myself. I kill off most houseplants and leave it all to the Hubby outside. My pathetic and only partly true excuse for this is that my dear Mom is a gardener and a very good one. As a child she tried to engage me on many occasions, and I resisted. It was something I believed old people did. Well I’m getting old – I’m nearly 37 and guess what? This Spring I became interested in the garden, and have spent my first weekend outside weeding, pruning and generally looking around and considering what could be done.
I phoned my Mom and asked her what to do with the dying off daffodils casually throwing in ‘You won’t believe this – guess what I am doing?’.
She wasn’t surprised at all… I suppose she always had faith it was in the genes?
Have you any grand plans this Spring or is it Sun-lounge City? I’d love to hear how you get Crazy or Lazy…
Ha, ha
It’s autumn down under but still tee-shirt weather. Autumn in Queensland is actually much more pleasant than the sweltering summers.
Still, I’ve been influenced by your blog and ordered a slow cooker!!
Deb I always forget about your seasons and how they are opposite to UK. I bet the Summer is really hot! The cooker news is great news! You will not be disappointed I promise. Yesterday I had a mega busy day, so by 7.30am Lil’ Bill was loaded and ready to go. We ate a really fab chicken casserole at 5pm – no hassle at all, healthy and simple. If struggling for inspiration drop me a line, and I’ll post some suitable recipes. Trying Tomato and Lentil soup tonight (I tend to cook my soups overnight for lunch following day) – will post if any good…
Ha, ha
It’s autumn down under but still tee-shirt weather. Autumn in Queensland is actually much more pleasant than the sweltering summers.
Still, I’ve been influenced by your blog and ordered a slow cooker!!
Deb I always forget about your seasons and how they are opposite to UK. I bet the Summer is really hot! The cooker news is great news! You will not be disappointed I promise. Yesterday I had a mega busy day, so by 7.30am Lil’ Bill was loaded and ready to go. We ate a really fab chicken casserole at 5pm – no hassle at all, healthy and simple. If struggling for inspiration drop me a line, and I’ll post some suitable recipes. Trying Tomato and Lentil soup tonight (I tend to cook my soups overnight for lunch following day) – will post if any good…
Ha, ha
It’s autumn down under but still tee-shirt weather. Autumn in Queensland is actually much more pleasant than the sweltering summers.
Still, I’ve been influenced by your blog and ordered a slow cooker!!
Deb I always forget about your seasons and how they are opposite to UK. I bet the Summer is really hot! The cooker news is great news! You will not be disappointed I promise. Yesterday I had a mega busy day, so by 7.30am Lil’ Bill was loaded and ready to go. We ate a really fab chicken casserole at 5pm – no hassle at all, healthy and simple. If struggling for inspiration drop me a line, and I’ll post some suitable recipes. Trying Tomato and Lentil soup tonight (I tend to cook my soups overnight for lunch following day) – will post if any good…
Hi Jo! Thanks for the link to my blog. 🙂
I love springtime too. Summers here in Georgia are humid, hot, and pretty miserable.
Have fun in your garden. I tend to kill all plants in my path.
Yup that’s what I do also – no plant is spared. However I have decided its mind over matter. Today I had to pick up some bedding up for a relative and found myself browsing in the gardening aisle… that may be the only downside, I will want to make some purchases. I have already started on a fairy garden for the Kids. A couple of ceramic toadstools and a caterpillar later… £15 lighter and still not a fairy to be seen! 🙂
Hi Jo! Thanks for the link to my blog. 🙂
I love springtime too. Summers here in Georgia are humid, hot, and pretty miserable.
Have fun in your garden. I tend to kill all plants in my path.
Yup that’s what I do also – no plant is spared. However I have decided its mind over matter. Today I had to pick up some bedding up for a relative and found myself browsing in the gardening aisle… that may be the only downside, I will want to make some purchases. I have already started on a fairy garden for the Kids. A couple of ceramic toadstools and a caterpillar later… £15 lighter and still not a fairy to be seen! 🙂
Hi Jo! Thanks for the link to my blog. 🙂
I love springtime too. Summers here in Georgia are humid, hot, and pretty miserable.
Have fun in your garden. I tend to kill all plants in my path.
Yup that’s what I do also – no plant is spared. However I have decided its mind over matter. Today I had to pick up some bedding up for a relative and found myself browsing in the gardening aisle… that may be the only downside, I will want to make some purchases. I have already started on a fairy garden for the Kids. A couple of ceramic toadstools and a caterpillar later… £15 lighter and still not a fairy to be seen! 🙂
Thanks for the shout out =) We are in the thick of it here, renting the place out and getting down to three suitcase and a half dozen boxes. Move date very up in the air. We were told coming over during the TT races is a bad idea (no accommodation, hard to go see flats). sounds like it will be mid-June which gives us a bit more time.
Love the idea of gardening. Could see myself getting into it in later years if we ever had a garden. Supposed to be great exercise and very good for the brain. Is that a picture of your backyard? Beautiful.
TT is manic apparently (as you know a relative of ours visits IofM each June). Mid-June sounds ideal. The gardening is in it’s infancy, but I have woken up two morning thinking about what I could do out there – so perhaps I am getting the bug? Yes it is our garden. The camera on my blackberry is pants but it’s just too tempting to take snaps with it as can e-mail myself so no cables downloading etc! How lazy is that? Good luck with the planning and packing, drop me a line when you get 5…
Thanks for the shout out =) We are in the thick of it here, renting the place out and getting down to three suitcase and a half dozen boxes. Move date very up in the air. We were told coming over during the TT races is a bad idea (no accommodation, hard to go see flats). sounds like it will be mid-June which gives us a bit more time.
Love the idea of gardening. Could see myself getting into it in later years if we ever had a garden. Supposed to be great exercise and very good for the brain. Is that a picture of your backyard? Beautiful.
TT is manic apparently (as you know a relative of ours visits IofM each June). Mid-June sounds ideal. The gardening is in it’s infancy, but I have woken up two morning thinking about what I could do out there – so perhaps I am getting the bug? Yes it is our garden. The camera on my blackberry is pants but it’s just too tempting to take snaps with it as can e-mail myself so no cables downloading etc! How lazy is that? Good luck with the planning and packing, drop me a line when you get 5…
Thanks for the shout out =) We are in the thick of it here, renting the place out and getting down to three suitcase and a half dozen boxes. Move date very up in the air. We were told coming over during the TT races is a bad idea (no accommodation, hard to go see flats). sounds like it will be mid-June which gives us a bit more time.
Love the idea of gardening. Could see myself getting into it in later years if we ever had a garden. Supposed to be great exercise and very good for the brain. Is that a picture of your backyard? Beautiful.
TT is manic apparently (as you know a relative of ours visits IofM each June). Mid-June sounds ideal. The gardening is in it’s infancy, but I have woken up two morning thinking about what I could do out there – so perhaps I am getting the bug? Yes it is our garden. The camera on my blackberry is pants but it’s just too tempting to take snaps with it as can e-mail myself so no cables downloading etc! How lazy is that? Good luck with the planning and packing, drop me a line when you get 5…
“I got locked in my garage in Winter in nothing but a Little Miss Naughty dressing gown and running shoes and had to be rescued by a dog-walker.” When do we get to hear THAT story?
I’m super excited to read about your *big sell* adventures Jo. We’re going through the same process, so it will be fun see how things turn out for the both of us!
I love reading about Rachel’s progress too. She’s been kicking butt since the overseas move popped up!
P.S. Seeing a new post from you in my in-box puts a huge smile on my face. I’m so happy you’re back at it! =D
Okay here’s the condensed version…
Early one Jan (pre-kids) in prep for ski hol to come I trained early each morning on a static nordic skier (borrowed from friend) in our garage. One morning Hubby said ‘See you later’ and proceeded to accidentally (???) lock me in our freezing garage at sub-zero temp. With no exit from garage linked to our back door I tried the front garage doors. In the name of security I had parked my car on the drive about 1″ away from doors to block entry. Managing to get said door open by 1″ I shouted “HELP!”. At the time we lived down a lane, and the only passers by at any time of the day, let alone 6.30am were neighbours walking dogs to the open fields across the road. I did attract the attention of one dog-walker, who whilst laughing handed me his mobile phone, and then continued to take his dog for a walk. One quick call to a relative with spare key later I am rescued dressed in nothing but…yes you got it a Little Miss Naughty Dressing Gown (Long and Fleecy thank goodness!) and my trainers. Of course no underwear… no idea why? To top it all off the rescuer is the local butcher…
1. Excited about your big sell, perhaps we could do a google doc and add to it as a comparison – bet you do better than I?
2. So looking forward to meeting Rachel in the flesh later this year and hearing all about it…
3. Getting a comment from you in my in-box always puts a huge smile on my face 🙂
That is hysterical Jo! At least you were brave enough to call for help! Ha, ha. I’ll bet your husband got an earful for that one. 🙂
“I got locked in my garage in Winter in nothing but a Little Miss Naughty dressing gown and running shoes and had to be rescued by a dog-walker.” When do we get to hear THAT story?
I’m super excited to read about your *big sell* adventures Jo. We’re going through the same process, so it will be fun see how things turn out for the both of us!
I love reading about Rachel’s progress too. She’s been kicking butt since the overseas move popped up!
P.S. Seeing a new post from you in my in-box puts a huge smile on my face. I’m so happy you’re back at it! =D
Okay here’s the condensed version…
Early one Jan (pre-kids) in prep for ski hol to come I trained early each morning on a static nordic skier (borrowed from friend) in our garage. One morning Hubby said ‘See you later’ and proceeded to accidentally (???) lock me in our freezing garage at sub-zero temp. With no exit from garage linked to our back door I tried the front garage doors. In the name of security I had parked my car on the drive about 1″ away from doors to block entry. Managing to get said door open by 1″ I shouted “HELP!”. At the time we lived down a lane, and the only passers by at any time of the day, let alone 6.30am were neighbours walking dogs to the open fields across the road. I did attract the attention of one dog-walker, who whilst laughing handed me his mobile phone, and then continued to take his dog for a walk. One quick call to a relative with spare key later I am rescued dressed in nothing but…yes you got it a Little Miss Naughty Dressing Gown (Long and Fleecy thank goodness!) and my trainers. Of course no underwear… no idea why? To top it all off the rescuer is the local butcher…
1. Excited about your big sell, perhaps we could do a google doc and add to it as a comparison – bet you do better than I?
2. So looking forward to meeting Rachel in the flesh later this year and hearing all about it…
3. Getting a comment from you in my in-box always puts a huge smile on my face 🙂
That is hysterical Jo! At least you were brave enough to call for help! Ha, ha. I’ll bet your husband got an earful for that one. 🙂
“I got locked in my garage in Winter in nothing but a Little Miss Naughty dressing gown and running shoes and had to be rescued by a dog-walker.” When do we get to hear THAT story?
I’m super excited to read about your *big sell* adventures Jo. We’re going through the same process, so it will be fun see how things turn out for the both of us!
I love reading about Rachel’s progress too. She’s been kicking butt since the overseas move popped up!
P.S. Seeing a new post from you in my in-box puts a huge smile on my face. I’m so happy you’re back at it! =D
Okay here’s the condensed version…
Early one Jan (pre-kids) in prep for ski hol to come I trained early each morning on a static nordic skier (borrowed from friend) in our garage. One morning Hubby said ‘See you later’ and proceeded to accidentally (???) lock me in our freezing garage at sub-zero temp. With no exit from garage linked to our back door I tried the front garage doors. In the name of security I had parked my car on the drive about 1″ away from doors to block entry. Managing to get said door open by 1″ I shouted “HELP!”. At the time we lived down a lane, and the only passers by at any time of the day, let alone 6.30am were neighbours walking dogs to the open fields across the road. I did attract the attention of one dog-walker, who whilst laughing handed me his mobile phone, and then continued to take his dog for a walk. One quick call to a relative with spare key later I am rescued dressed in nothing but…yes you got it a Little Miss Naughty Dressing Gown (Long and Fleecy thank goodness!) and my trainers. Of course no underwear… no idea why? To top it all off the rescuer is the local butcher…
1. Excited about your big sell, perhaps we could do a google doc and add to it as a comparison – bet you do better than I?
2. So looking forward to meeting Rachel in the flesh later this year and hearing all about it…
3. Getting a comment from you in my in-box always puts a huge smile on my face 🙂
That is hysterical Jo! At least you were brave enough to call for help! Ha, ha. I’ll bet your husband got an earful for that one. 🙂
I’ll go over and ruthlessly minimalise your house as long as you come over and make over my garden! :)))))
That sounds perfect Laura – it’s a date haha!
Planning on getting cracking with a few things – long story but we are having a move around at home and it’s an ideal time to get chucking!
I’ll go over and ruthlessly minimalise your house as long as you come over and make over my garden! :)))))
That sounds perfect Laura – it’s a date haha!
Planning on getting cracking with a few things – long story but we are having a move around at home and it’s an ideal time to get chucking!
I’ll go over and ruthlessly minimalise your house as long as you come over and make over my garden! :)))))
That sounds perfect Laura – it’s a date haha!
Planning on getting cracking with a few things – long story but we are having a move around at home and it’s an ideal time to get chucking!