As usual on a Saturday I post my Simple Meal Plan for the upcoming week.
I plan for 6 days of meals, with Friday as my free day where I take part inThe Frugal Girls Food Waste Friday and my very own No Waste Tastes Great Challenge.
Because I’m a simple gal, I order my groceries on-line for the week ahead and they are delivered. This also means I do not have to step into a supermarket – hurrah! No impulse purchases and queuing for me!
I budget up to £100 per week to cover everything… and pretty much I keep to it apart from holidays and when I am doing extra catering.
Breakfasts consist of, cereal, toast, pancakes, bran loaf.
Simple Meal Plan 5 February – 11 February 2011
- Lunch – Ham Rolls and Salad
- Dinner – Takeaway Pizza (Very Naughty – High Calorie and Cost!)
- Lunch – Beans on Toast with Marmite and Cheese
- Dinner – Slow Cooked Sausage Casserole
- Dessert – Home-made Apple Crumble and Ice-Cream
Monday – (Meat-Free)
- Lunch – Cheese, Crackers Fruit and Crunchy Vegetables
- Dinner – Pasta with Slow-cooked Pasta Sauce from my No Waste Tastes Great Challenge and Garlic Bread
- Dessert – Fruit and Yoghurt
- Lunch – Jacket Potatoes with Tuna and Sweetcorn
- Dinner – Slow-cooked Minty Lamb Casserole with Mustard Mash
- Dessert – Madeira Cake and Custard
- Lunch – Cheese and Beetroot Rolls
- Dinner – Slow-cooked Orange Salmon with Pan Fried Vegetables
- Dessert – Fruit and Yoghurt
- Lunch – Light Lunch out as Playday!
- Dinner – Slow Cooked Cottage Pie with Steamed Vegetables
- Dessert – Rice Pudding
No Waste Tastes Great – This is the day I challenge myself to use up any potential food waste, or if the fridge and cupboard is bare the Hubby and I get a take-away! The Kids (who have had a hot meal lunch-time) always get something nutritious rustled up from my store cupboard and freezer stocks.
At the end of the Simple Meal Plan I now like to include a link to a great read I have found during the week… This week it’s a little different and I am linking to some good news…
I’d actually like to extend a HUGE congratulations to Robyn over at The Minimalist Knitter
Click here to find out why
Hope everyone’s weekend is going well (thinking of you Guys who are knee-deep in snow), got to love you and leave you I have a date with Matt Damon, a glass of red wine and a comfy sofa…
My kitchen is currently ultra-simple because our stuff hasn’t arrived from New Zealand yet and I am not a happy cook as a result. We’ve borrowed a few bits and pieces from a friend to get by and every time I use them I’m reminded that simple still needs to be quality. “Decent pots, pans and knives a happy cook doth make.”
Quality over quantity everytime!
My kitchen is currently ultra-simple because our stuff hasn’t arrived from New Zealand yet and I am not a happy cook as a result. We’ve borrowed a few bits and pieces from a friend to get by and every time I use them I’m reminded that simple still needs to be quality. “Decent pots, pans and knives a happy cook doth make.”
Quality over quantity everytime!
My kitchen is currently ultra-simple because our stuff hasn’t arrived from New Zealand yet and I am not a happy cook as a result. We’ve borrowed a few bits and pieces from a friend to get by and every time I use them I’m reminded that simple still needs to be quality. “Decent pots, pans and knives a happy cook doth make.”
Quality over quantity everytime!