It’s Friday Guys – It’s time for No Waste Tastes Great
Click here to find out more about my Friday routine
Okay so it’s a little later than usual and I’ll explain why further in the post but for now let’s get down to business…
Simply Being Mum’s Friday Fridge
Top Shelf – Spreads, Cheese, Ginger and Garlic (I’ve hidden the buttercream so Lauren can’t see it :-))
Top Middle Shelf – Pate (for Christmas day), broccoli and green beans (to be eaten tomorrow for dinner) and a chocolate mousse (which will also get eaten tomorrow)
Bottom Middle Shelf – Spicy Butternut Squash Soup (I posted the recipe on my Facebook page on Tuesday (this was eaten at lunch after photo taken), 2 onions (will be chopped and frozen tomorrow), grapes and cucumber (which will be eaten at lunch tomorrow with cheese rolls).
Bottom Shelf – My 2kg Turkey Joint which I purchased from AldiΒ (I’m not having a whole turkey or even a crown this year in order to reduce the potential for waste). Eggs (in date and will last for the various dishes I have planned), and 2 sausages which will be used for toad in the hole – tomorrow night’s dinner)
Door – Milk and OJ (in date)
And that’s where we are. Tomorrow’s meals are catered for and then it’s Christmas day.
All sorted! How’s your Fridge looking this festive Friday?
Anyhow in honour of The Frugal Girl (who’s not posting Food Waste Friday today) I thought I’d share a ‘Today I am’ post – although mine is now ‘Today I did’…
- Second-Born turned the PC off whilst the Hubby was transferring a lot of data, and it all had to be done again – taking up the WHOLE of the morning (hence the reason this post is so late!)
- This afternoon I did an Aldi shop for my remaining bits and pieces
- The Kids and I went to watch Alvin and the Chipmunks at the Cinema.
- For dinner we popped into Pizza Hut (their happy hour was on! and Daddy got a doggie bag)..
- Today I got rather excited as we invested in a Canon SLR. This *should* mean the end of rubbish fridge photos! Fingers crossed!
- Finally I have just written my NWTG post! Better late than never…
What did you do today? Please share!
A quiet day today as we were busy yesterday. We have had our weekly veg box delivered – it has sprouts, parsnips etc. which are suitable for a Christmas lunch – only problem is we’re having a lamb tagine instead for a change! I’m sure we’ll get through all the veg anyway, we seem to have a glut of carrots in our fridge so might make a monster carrot cake next week!
Loving the idea of a lamb tagine! Hope it went well…
We have carrots too – so may join you. I have a Birthday cake to make for tomorrow and that could be a good twist! Feeling inspired off to start it – Thanks Rebecca π
A quiet day today as we were busy yesterday. We have had our weekly veg box delivered – it has sprouts, parsnips etc. which are suitable for a Christmas lunch – only problem is we’re having a lamb tagine instead for a change! I’m sure we’ll get through all the veg anyway, we seem to have a glut of carrots in our fridge so might make a monster carrot cake next week!
Loving the idea of a lamb tagine! Hope it went well…
We have carrots too – so may join you. I have a Birthday cake to make for tomorrow and that could be a good twist! Feeling inspired off to start it – Thanks Rebecca π
A quiet day today as we were busy yesterday. We have had our weekly veg box delivered – it has sprouts, parsnips etc. which are suitable for a Christmas lunch – only problem is we’re having a lamb tagine instead for a change! I’m sure we’ll get through all the veg anyway, we seem to have a glut of carrots in our fridge so might make a monster carrot cake next week!
Loving the idea of a lamb tagine! Hope it went well…
We have carrots too – so may join you. I have a Birthday cake to make for tomorrow and that could be a good twist! Feeling inspired off to start it – Thanks Rebecca π
Ha, hide the buttercream indeed! :-p Your fridge looks great for two days before Christmas!
Mine is fairly bare, I’ve been really trying to run down the fresh stuff ready for this weekend. To use up is half a batch of gingerbread dough – might freeze this as the first lot made 24 small men so I don’t really need to bake more! Leftover beef pie which I’ll either freeze or serve for lunch tomorrow, haven’t decided yet. I think the rest is all in date – condiments, spreads, squash (yes, I keep this in the fridge), etc. Plus a drawer full of root veg but love winter produce as it will all easily keep for at least another week. Oh, and a piece of cheesecake but that will only be in there for another few minutes or so. π
Fairly quiet day here. Morning was spent running the last minute Christmas errands, then the afternoon was in the kitchen. First iced the Christmas cake with royal icing, then made the gingerbread men. Deciding whether or not to make some shortbread as well, we’ll see.
I won’t be around much over the weekend, so have a lovely Christmas!
Hope you had a lovely Christmas Lauren π
Ha, hide the buttercream indeed! :-p Your fridge looks great for two days before Christmas!
Mine is fairly bare, I’ve been really trying to run down the fresh stuff ready for this weekend. To use up is half a batch of gingerbread dough – might freeze this as the first lot made 24 small men so I don’t really need to bake more! Leftover beef pie which I’ll either freeze or serve for lunch tomorrow, haven’t decided yet. I think the rest is all in date – condiments, spreads, squash (yes, I keep this in the fridge), etc. Plus a drawer full of root veg but love winter produce as it will all easily keep for at least another week. Oh, and a piece of cheesecake but that will only be in there for another few minutes or so. π
Fairly quiet day here. Morning was spent running the last minute Christmas errands, then the afternoon was in the kitchen. First iced the Christmas cake with royal icing, then made the gingerbread men. Deciding whether or not to make some shortbread as well, we’ll see.
I won’t be around much over the weekend, so have a lovely Christmas!
Hope you had a lovely Christmas Lauren π
Ha, hide the buttercream indeed! :-p Your fridge looks great for two days before Christmas!
Mine is fairly bare, I’ve been really trying to run down the fresh stuff ready for this weekend. To use up is half a batch of gingerbread dough – might freeze this as the first lot made 24 small men so I don’t really need to bake more! Leftover beef pie which I’ll either freeze or serve for lunch tomorrow, haven’t decided yet. I think the rest is all in date – condiments, spreads, squash (yes, I keep this in the fridge), etc. Plus a drawer full of root veg but love winter produce as it will all easily keep for at least another week. Oh, and a piece of cheesecake but that will only be in there for another few minutes or so. π
Fairly quiet day here. Morning was spent running the last minute Christmas errands, then the afternoon was in the kitchen. First iced the Christmas cake with royal icing, then made the gingerbread men. Deciding whether or not to make some shortbread as well, we’ll see.
I won’t be around much over the weekend, so have a lovely Christmas!
Hope you had a lovely Christmas Lauren π
OO which Canon did you choose! Super jealous over here!
Hi Megyn – we went for the Canon EOS 600D which we are told is the UK version of the Rebel T3i. I’ve been using it for a few days and am very pleased with it. Still not sure how to upload photos however, so until that’s figured out I’m a bit stuck – but that’s not the camera’s fault – I just haven’t had time to spend on it with Christmas being here!
OO which Canon did you choose! Super jealous over here!
Hi Megyn – we went for the Canon EOS 600D which we are told is the UK version of the Rebel T3i. I’ve been using it for a few days and am very pleased with it. Still not sure how to upload photos however, so until that’s figured out I’m a bit stuck – but that’s not the camera’s fault – I just haven’t had time to spend on it with Christmas being here!
OO which Canon did you choose! Super jealous over here!
Hi Megyn – we went for the Canon EOS 600D which we are told is the UK version of the Rebel T3i. I’ve been using it for a few days and am very pleased with it. Still not sure how to upload photos however, so until that’s figured out I’m a bit stuck – but that’s not the camera’s fault – I just haven’t had time to spend on it with Christmas being here!
Because of you…we emptied out our fridge, cleaned and re-filled! Second time now! π And, again, No Waste Taste’s Great! Yea! Two weeks in a row! Love, love, love this concept! There is only one item…some pie dough, and as I was about to put it back in the fridge, my hubby said, “Today’s Friday…remember, Food Waste…!” So, it is now on the counter “softening” to make a crust for…something! Today!
I really liked your “Today I Did…” post. Is that something you’ll continue over here? Hope so! It encourages me so much! Lets see… I did:
Dusting, fridge, working on a Thomas Kincaid puzzle, meals, dishes, redd the kitchen, cut my hair, and we sneaked open a yummy chocolate goodie from one of our (grown) kids and fam! It was so funny. At the end of our lunch, hubby sneaks over to the tree, pauses dramatically, and crouched over, sneaks back to the table, clutching the Ghiradelli bag of chocolates! Hahahahaha! He is Great and so much fun! We guiltily munched down on them! π Merry Christmas Jo! Enjoying your blog so much! Cheeryshirley
I’ll definitely do more of those posts as it’s fab to learn more about your day too!
Because of you…we emptied out our fridge, cleaned and re-filled! Second time now! π And, again, No Waste Taste’s Great! Yea! Two weeks in a row! Love, love, love this concept! There is only one item…some pie dough, and as I was about to put it back in the fridge, my hubby said, “Today’s Friday…remember, Food Waste…!” So, it is now on the counter “softening” to make a crust for…something! Today!
I really liked your “Today I Did…” post. Is that something you’ll continue over here? Hope so! It encourages me so much! Lets see… I did:
Dusting, fridge, working on a Thomas Kincaid puzzle, meals, dishes, redd the kitchen, cut my hair, and we sneaked open a yummy chocolate goodie from one of our (grown) kids and fam! It was so funny. At the end of our lunch, hubby sneaks over to the tree, pauses dramatically, and crouched over, sneaks back to the table, clutching the Ghiradelli bag of chocolates! Hahahahaha! He is Great and so much fun! We guiltily munched down on them! π Merry Christmas Jo! Enjoying your blog so much! Cheeryshirley
I’ll definitely do more of those posts as it’s fab to learn more about your day too!
Because of you…we emptied out our fridge, cleaned and re-filled! Second time now! π And, again, No Waste Taste’s Great! Yea! Two weeks in a row! Love, love, love this concept! There is only one item…some pie dough, and as I was about to put it back in the fridge, my hubby said, “Today’s Friday…remember, Food Waste…!” So, it is now on the counter “softening” to make a crust for…something! Today!
I really liked your “Today I Did…” post. Is that something you’ll continue over here? Hope so! It encourages me so much! Lets see… I did:
Dusting, fridge, working on a Thomas Kincaid puzzle, meals, dishes, redd the kitchen, cut my hair, and we sneaked open a yummy chocolate goodie from one of our (grown) kids and fam! It was so funny. At the end of our lunch, hubby sneaks over to the tree, pauses dramatically, and crouched over, sneaks back to the table, clutching the Ghiradelli bag of chocolates! Hahahahaha! He is Great and so much fun! We guiltily munched down on them! π Merry Christmas Jo! Enjoying your blog so much! Cheeryshirley
I’ll definitely do more of those posts as it’s fab to learn more about your day too!
Merry Christmas Jo, i wouldn’t dare show you my fridge π lets just say i will not be doing shopping for 2 weeks, minimum!!
Love Sharron x
Bet it’s a bit more empty now! Hope you had a great Christmas! π
Merry Christmas Jo, i wouldn’t dare show you my fridge π lets just say i will not be doing shopping for 2 weeks, minimum!!
Love Sharron x
Bet it’s a bit more empty now! Hope you had a great Christmas! π
Merry Christmas Jo, i wouldn’t dare show you my fridge π lets just say i will not be doing shopping for 2 weeks, minimum!!
Love Sharron x
Bet it’s a bit more empty now! Hope you had a great Christmas! π